[joshdem] BIONICLE Upscale Series: Every Toa Ever*

" ‘To be a Toa is to defeat all those who oppose you? Is this what you believe a Toa to be? A mighty arm to strike down your enemies? Your power is nothing. A Toa’s true strength lies here,’ Whenua said, pointing to his head. Then he placed a hand over his heartlight, saying, ‘And here. Your Toa Power can move the dirt … Your mind and heart can move mountains.’ "
— Narrator, Tales of the Masks

The Three Major Toa Teams Unite on the Battlefield Against Velika at the Great Being Civil War.
(*) Yes I know this is not actually every Toa ever, but it is every Toa of the major ACTIVE Toa Teams and every Toa I’ve shown in BIONICLE Upscale Series thus far.

Variant of all the Toa where Toa Tahu did not transform back into a Toa Nuva if you prefer.

Variant where Toa Matoro’s spirit catches a glimpse of his brethren at the Great Being Civil War and feels sorrow that still they must fight and face hardship.

Variant that includes my Toa Mata revamps (non-canon, at least for the Great Being Civil War).
I also want to take this opportunity to shamelessly plug my Toa Hagah entries in the TTV Contest #3: Honor Guard:
Toa Bomonga Poll 5, Entry 15
Toa Gaaki Poll 5, Entry 16
Toa Pouks Poll 5, Entry 16
Toa Kualus Poll 6, Entry 16
The Toa Hagah: Bane of the Brotherhood, Full Post:

Consider supporting me with your votes and making a dream of mine come true! ~ joshdem
(if this self-promotion is not allowed, I will remove it)
Extra Commentary
Again, I know this isn’t really Every Toa Ever lol, but this is all the Toa of the active Toa teams and my BIONICLE Upscale Series. I only really plan building Toa that are active / alive.

Toa Lesovikk is already built but I need to reprint his Kanohi.

Toa Helryx is in the planning / development stage.

Toa Krakua, Toa Orde, Toa Chiara, Toa Zaria, Toa Varian, and Toa Tuyet are all in the brainstorming / planning stage.

I have a secret Toa almost finalized, and I am toying around with the idea of building Toa Mata Nui and Toa Ignika for fun.


nice, very nice.

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much, much thanks!

lol but anyways thank you for your support as always

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It’s Voriki

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fun guess haha, it’s not him but I would maybe consider building are good ol’ original meme boy in the future

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