[joshdem]- The Toa Hagah: Bane of the Brotherhood - BIONICLE G1 Canon Contest #3

very specific, you are.


I might actually vote these, maybe.

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Pouks sus, he has a painted spear tip, whereas no one else does!!1!!
What? you say Blue Whenua is sus? Nah I saw him doing tasks in archive bro!

Jokes aside I like these, I don’t like painting but seeing as Krika’s blades are common I’m not apposed to the prospect of those being painted. Gaaki is my favourite here because of the consist smooth, streamlined texture and Ben 10 legs.
Good luck dude!


I didn’t know kopakas nuva sword came in FDG

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Yeah, it was on one of the Alpha Team sets, they had a lot of recolors of the Nuva Weapons.


Ah ok weird. I have never seen that before.
Edit: wait it isnt on bricklink. Whats up with that?

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I foolishly assumed it was the Knights Kingdom Rascus sword
Uh yeah @Senit it’s in there…keep looking…

It’s not


Cleaned up the formatting and the design philosophy sections, and have also added select scenes from the BIONICLE G1 Story. Hopefully is a good read if you feel like browsing through!

Also I’ve put up my upscaled version of the Toa Hagah for BIONICLE Upscale Series if y’all are interested:

@Seuss my favorite Toa Hagah member

@Jathru_Cranli Thank you so much! Just checked out your entry for the contest, and it’s really awesome! I also like how we ended up submitting around the same time and our entries ended up next to each other on the list lol. I might just have to make a chart like you to showcase my design philosophy. See you in the polls dude!

@Zepia Thanks! I hope my design philosophy helps me in the polls : )

@GoodGuy2006 Yeah the initial post was messy I’m not gonna lie haha. I’ve cleaned up the Design Philosophy and Consent sections; the consent section is my way of trying to appeal to the most amount of people possible while still compromising for myself and the community’s 3-D modelers.

@Rukah Thanks! If I get the votes, I won’t have to change my upscaled versions lol

@Axelford Yeah Pouks stole Tamna’s face, he’s been tossed. Also, I intentionally chose pieces to paint that aren’t rare/scarce so the most amount of people can make them. They could also possibly be 3D Printed, but I’ve also put in the consent section that the staffs may be changed.

@Racie02 @Senit I ended up painting a spare Toa Kopaka Nuva skate I had.


See you there, as well!:+1:

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You have my vote

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thank you so much!
And for anyone following this post or my other posts, my entries are up in the polls! Consider supporting me with your votes to hopefully make a dream of mind come true!
Toa Bomonga Poll 5, Entry 15
Toa Gaaki Poll 5, Entry 16
Toa Pouks Poll 5, Entry 16
Toa Kualus Poll 6, Entry 16
The Toa Hagah: Bane of the Brotherhood, Full Post:

[joshdem]- The Toa Hagah: Bane of the Brotherhood - BIONICLE G1 Canon Contest #3 Lego Creations

Bomonga looks great!

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Thanks, Toa Bomonga is actually my favorite too and is the one I want to win the most haha

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Sorry these didn’t make it to the second round, man. These were well-built works of art.

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I appreciate it, yeah it kinda hurt to not even make it into the second round. I thought the design philosophy and even taking the pictures outside with natural light (like with Toa Krakua back in the day) would help work in my favor, but alas it wasn’t enough.
I probably put myself at a disadvantage by posting on the last day of entry and not being more prepared and posting earlier in the contest (going out of my way to the get the gold paint and then paint the needed parts took some energy too admittedly). It also would have helped it seems to have a custom background like those used in the actual sets, but I have no experience in photoshop nor did I really have a desire to present my entries like this (I thought the outdoor shots would help differentiate my entries and work to my advantage).

I’m still surprised though that I didn’t make it into the second round considering I was able to garner a decent amount of views on this post and promoted it on other platforms like Biogram and Reddit. I really felt I made a team that looked like LEGO really produced it and would get me enough votes, but such is life.
In the end, I’m not too discouraged, just still a little bit sad and disappointed. The beautiful thing about BIONICLE is that your own ‘canon’ is yours to control and make fit with your own hands. It will be interesting to see how the final results affect (if at all) my revamp/upscale of the Toa Hagah (If we get better Kanohi, I’m for sure open to changing them, and I am considering changing two members’ armor color to Gunmetal for some added variety).
I’ll perhaps give these canon contests another shot when we tackle the Yesterday Quest crew: Toa Orde, Toa Chiara, and Toa Zaria. I also see myself entering for Toa Varian as well. If I find the spark I may even build for Toa Tuyet (I plan on making all these Toa anyway for my upscale series, its just a matter of timing/inspiration).
all in all, still interested to see what the outcome of this contest will be, will take this loss as a learning experience and apply what I’ve learned to future contests.


I am sorry for your loss. I’m glad to see you have such a positive, constructive view towards it. I think a silver lining is perhaps some of the winning models can have their spears, masks etc. changed in a way that may match your models somewhat.


thanks for the kind words, hoping for a satisfying conclusion to the contest for sure. There are a couple models for Gaaki, Kualus, and Pouks that I’m rooting for and would be quite satisfied with winning, Bomonga not so much: there’s probably only 1 or 2 models I think are decent and encapsulate what I think Bomonga should look like.


Yeah Bomonga is one I don’t have a clear idea about, at the moment It’s mainly masks I’m concerned about, I don’t want one with a Predator mask or another Ice Toa with a scope winning. (Yes there are entries out there that have no option to change mask and have such masks.)

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I have the same observation, a lot of the entries don’t attract me because they don’t allow consent for the Kanohi, armor color, and spear to be altered. Otherwise excellent entries lose my vote due to Kanohi / armor color choice tbh. There are several entries though for Gaaki, Kualus, and Pouks that have flexibility and give consent for alterations, so those for sure get my vote.

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When some Boomers need to destroy the Colosseum and the Zoomers don’t take kindly to it XDXDXD