Kae - Field medic robot

Yes, it’s a catgirl robot combat nurse.

With combat helmet and a rifle


It’s definitely in character.


Yes, I am proffesional mocer, how could you tell?



Also nice moc


Definitely makes good use of consistently smooth parts. The legs are perfect but areas like the torso could be improved. Now hear me out: I think the chest should be shrunk. I say this as if you did that the shoulders could be narrower and thus make the Moc more femininely proportioned. Or you could make the body wider to make the chest not sticking off as much. Either option would improve the Moc a lot in my opinion.


That’s a… combination, for sure.

Honestly, this is pretty well-built. It looks, as others have said, cohesively smooth. The red cross on the right thigh is neat, and I really like the helmet.

That said, I’m not sure how she seems to have two eyes with the helmet but only one without. The helmet-less head doesn’t quite fit with the rest of the MOC, in my opinion.

As for the obvious features, the rear is okay build-wise and actually looks good with the wide hips, but the chest is a little too large. It works, sort of, but would look more proportional/less silly if it were smaller. Plus breasts that big would probably get in the way on the field of combat…

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I’ve listened to comments saying her torso is too wide and completely reworked it


That looks much better–like she actually has a collarbone/upper torso apart from the breasts, which also look more natural since they’re not just sticking straight out. Nice redesign!

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looks better!

so was trying to look up bionicle mocs and stuff to get ideas form and then…

congrass? I guess?.. I think?

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