Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney - An Interactive Adventure

How else does he think his prints got on the weapon?

Whoa, we’re doing Farewell, My Turnabout now? Sweet.


So I always knew pekekoa was an evil backstabbing jerk…but he shanked India withna butter knife???..

Outstanding. Great work avo

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Whoah, no, that wasn’t me. I’m not a terrorist.


Heck yeah we are. That’s one of my favorite cases.

MT: Alibi? Um… Well, I don’t have any evidence on me, but I should tell you this: at around the time Indi died, I wasn’t in his room. I was chatting with the other Mods.

MT: Hmm… There has to be some way. Perhaps it was in my room after I ate with it?


What if the butter knife wasn’t the murder weapon at all? What if it was planted at the scene to set him up as the killer?


MT: You think I was set up? Seems very likely, Kahi. However, if that’s true, where are the other sets of fingerprints?


Maybe the planter wore gloves.

Or, maybe his hands are metal. :smile:

MT: Again, it’s a possibility. But just speculating won’t do anything. Now, you did say you’d be my lawyer, right?


Where are those evidences Pekky De Killer said he’d supply Kahi with?


MT: What are you talking about? I thought you guys investigate and stuff.

Kahi: I usually do…

Guard: Well, your time is up, Mr. Nuva.

Kahi: Well, MT, I don’t have a choice. I will be your lawyer. Now I need to go. Bye.

MT: Bye, Kahi.

Where shall Kahi go to next? The courthouse or his office?

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If he goes to his office, he might get shanked on the way. If he goes to the court, he has no evidence.

I say risk getting shanked.

Wait, why would he get shanked?

I’ll say office, Pekekoa is right, why go to court with no evidence…

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TTV Law Offices
August 10th, 2015
8:23 PM

Kahi: Ah, the office. Alright, I need to make contact with that assassin again. Wherever he was, anyways. Let’s see, list of contacts…


Kahi: Yes?

Assassin: Hmph. Hello, Mr. Kahi.

Kahi: What? You don’t sound like you’re on the phone-

Assassin: Because I am not on the phone. Hello, Mr. Kahi.

Kahi: Wha- You’re that butler from the hotel!

Assassin: Yes I am. I have come to bring you the evidence.

Kahi: Well, that’s nice I guess, but-

Assassin: Here’s the evidence. Don’t worry, none of it is stolen. I’ve done my own investigating.

Kahi: You know you can be tracked from here, right?

Assassin: Nonsense. I’m a master of disguise. If you try to call me in, I can simply kill you here. I can find another lawyer. Eljay may not live though.

Kahi: Right right. Just give me the evidence.

Assassin: Here you go:

Evidence added to the court records:
-Indigo’s death report.
-Recording of MT in Chatroom
-Security Camera Footage
-Indigo’s Schedule

Kahi: Wait-


Kahi: Did he just exit through the window? Whatever, all I needed was this evidence. I should probably examine it. What should I examine?


Oh, wow, there was a chance of shanking.

Investigate security camera footage.

Kahi: Hmm… What is this?

Kahi: Some guy dressed up as Omega Tahu?!

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Is it Looch?

Kahi: This isn’t Looch… He lacks the glasses. It has to be Omega Tahu or something.

(What else shall Kahi examine?)

-Indigo’s death report.
-Recording of MT in Chatroom
-Security Camera Footage
-Indigo’s Schedule

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Check the recording of MT in the chatroom to see if it’ll work as an alibi