Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney - An Interactive Adventure

That’ll come later. Right now, worry about the new info Cronk just gave you guys.

Makuta bones… still circumstantial for the most part. Where was the juice, seeing as everything else was in the wrong place. Perhaps the autopsy and fingerprint work ought to be reexamined if such questionable police work has been done so far

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Ahah. But MT wasn’t in his room at the time! He could not have possibly brought it to his room!

Ahah spoiler[/spoiler], the killer must have taken MT’s bedsheet, and planted it with the dead body!

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Honestly, all evidence from Cronk is dubious at this point. Unreliable he is. Perhaps if he wants to earn back some credibility he could tell us what the conversation in the chat was all about



Chronicler: Fine. You wanna know the truth? I didn’t want to do this to you, Kahi, but you brought it upon yourself.

MT: Alright, guys. Gotta be right back. I have to do something crucial. I’ll be leaving the phone for now. -7:21
Chronicler: Okay, bye then. -7:21
Chronicler: Ugh. He annoys me so much at times. -7:21
Slime: Why is he leaving. We have to go on stage in 9 or so minutes. -7:21
Eljay: Mmm. I also have to meet up with Kahi. I ought to go as well. -7:22
Slime: Bye -7:22
Slime: So… I guess that leaves you and me Cronk. -7:22
Slime: Cronk? -7:22
Slime: Well then, I guess I’ll go too. -7:23

Chronicler: It was all about us leaving. It wasn’t a very long chat. Okay?


And what about before that? What were you soooooo embarrassed about, eh?

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Those messages are fake.

Slime using proper capitalization and punctuation? Bootleg.


Also, was his phone found? Where’d he leave it? And please, try not to get too confused with the ‘where’ part of the question /s

Kahi: Chronicler, it’s obvious you’re hiding the truth. There is still much before, isn’t there? There has to be a reason to why you want to hide the truth!

Chronicler: You guys wouldn’t understand… You will not understand what’s been going on. Please. I need to save my skin. This evidence… All of it I presented is true! Varderan even verified it!

Var: Chronicler, do you want to help me win this case or not? Just show him the messages before. It has nothing to do with the current case, I’m sure.

Messages beforehand:
MT: So me and Indi got a sneak peak of the results. We are totally going to win. -7:19
Chronicler: Wait, WHAT? Isn’t that CHEATING? -7:19

Varderan: We haven’t found the phone. The police are still trying to find it.


Chronicler was jealous of the two of them, so he murdered Indi, and framed it on MT.

Varderan: Kahi, Kahi. Accusations without evidence, once more. Do you have PROOF that Chronicler killed Indigo? I don’t think you do.

Kahi: (Well, gee. Do I have evidence that Chronicler actually committed the crime?)


Test the fingerprints on the blade against Cronks, shouldn’t take long. And who is the WE that were supposed to win? And how does it tie in with Cronk being bad at sarcasm?


could we please see the chat in its entirety and in order? We don’t want things out of order or context, do we?

Edit: heh, I’m lazy

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Varderan: Here’s the entire chat in order:

MT: So me and Indi got a sneak peak of the results. We are totally going to win. -7:19
Chronicler: Wait, WHAT? Isn’t that CHEATING? -7:19
MT: Chronicler, it’s called sarcasm. -7:19
Chronicler: I know it’s sarcasm, I just have a hard time understanding it. -7:19
MT: Obviously you do. -7:20
Chronicler: Ugh. -7:20
Slime: I kinda wonder who’s gonna win the reward. -7:20
Chronicler: Thank you for starting another conversation. -7:20
MT: You didn’t like the one we were having? -7:20
Chronicler: No, I didn’t. -7:20
MT: What a shame. -7:20
Eljay: I hope I win. -7:21
Slime: Eljay, you are not a Mod. -7:21
MT: Alright, guys. Gotta be right back. I have to do something crucial. I’ll be leaving the phone for now. -7:21
Chronicler: Okay, bye then. -7:21
Chronicler: Ugh. He annoys me so much at times. -7:21
Slime: Why is he leaving. We have to go on stage in 9 or so minutes. -7:21
Eljay: Mmm. I also have to meet up with Kahi. I ought to go as well. -7:22
Slime: Bye -7:22
Slime: So… I guess that leaves you and me Cronk. -7:22
Slime: Cronk? -7:22
Slime: Well then, I guess I’ll go too. -7:23


Lol, that sounds like sarcasm to me. This isn’t meant to be said aloud by Kahi btw.

Edit: Ok, so can we test the finger prints against Cronks? I honestly doubt he did it, but it doesn’t hurt to be sure

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No. You do it.


Fine. Anyways, gonna restart the game or something.

Chronicler: I assure you, if you fingerprint test me with the knife, nothing will come out of it!

But it would be imporant to know whos fingerprints are on the knife

don’t we already?

Oh wait, you meant the other fingerprints?

yes the other fingerprints those might be important for the defence

Varderan: Well, the results are back for the fingerprints of the knife.

Kahi: And?

Varderan: The prints match none in the database. Therefore, Chronicler did NOT have his hands on the knife. Therefore, it looks like your debate has fallen flat.

Kahi: (There has to be something else entirely. It looks like Chronicler is guilty for this. He even has a good motive.)