Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney - An Interactive Adventure

Is there any info that could clue us in on who the “Omega Tahu” could be?

Was MT leaving to get your (the assassin’s that is) services?

Assassin: You’re asking for specifics, which I don’t like. However, this Omega Tahu figure is not someone new. In fact, it’s someone that’s been with the case the whole time.

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Was MT leaving to get your (the assassin’s that is) services?

Edit: I keep thinking of things to say and edit them in too late :stuck_out_tongue:

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Assassin: My services? Ah, so you think I killed him. Maybe I did, maybe I didn’t. What you should be asking for is evidence. Evidence is the key. You can’t win this by theories alone, Kahi.


Ask for a list of people who own Omega Tahu masks, and a list of the blood types for everyone that has to do with this case.

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I don’t think you killed him at all, but MT hired you at some point or he wouldn’t be your client. Regardless, I don’t suppose you have MT’s phone? It hasn’t been found, so I assume it may have a bearing on the case.


Assassin: Ah, logical thinking are we? Hmph. You’re getting a bit too close to the truth. However, I shall not tell you what happened to MT’s phone. I’ll just tell you that it is long gone.

Assassin: How do you expect me to get all these blood types and list everyone that wears that mask? I have to keep Eljay here now.

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What evidence do you have for me?

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do you even want to help mt?

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Could we have more security footage? We see “Omega Tahu” leaving, but do we see him enter? What of the last time MT visited?

Assassin: This evidence should be coming your way shortly:
-The Costume
-Planning Book

Assassin: I only help people if I’m hired to do it. But that doesn’t mean MT hired me. For all you know, I could have been hired by someone else.

Assassin: These questions will be answered with a new witness that the prosecution will be presenting shortly. Who this man was? A photographer. He has pictures of the scene. Also, I destroyed the other security footage anyways.


Could you tell us who the new witness will be so we aren’t taken by surprise? (Like that’ll ever happen)

Assassin: A photographer who goes by the name Ghostly. Very skilled in his craft. He got pictures of the scene.


I’m gonna take a stab in the dark (pardon the pun) and say the pictures reflect badly on MT or else the prosecution wouldn’t be using him… Hmm…

Does he have any pictures of the crime scene?

Assassin: Do you think anyone would have time to do that besides a detective?

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Maybe Cronk has pictures?

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He already showed a picture of the scene regardless.

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Is Ghostly a detective? Because he got pics it would seem. Heh

peanut butter and what?

i need the answer.