Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney - An Interactive Adventure

Unfortunately I cannot get pictures, but I do have a note on it. It contains no blood on it and the only prints are on an Omega Tahu mask, which contained the prints

Newspaper (Actually a gossip column):
Rumor has it that Chronicler isn’t very much of a fan of MT Zehvor. MT’s sarcastic ways isn’t something Chronicler can fully comprehend at times, and because of this, they get into fights or arguments. In fact, this doesn’t help their tension either.

Planning Book:
Belongs to MT. Contains the following:
-6:00 Get to the hotel
-6:30 Preparation
-7:00 Mod of the Year
-7:20 Revenge

Wow, he’s handsome.


Woo boy. Things are starting to look a little bad for MT, and his refusal to tell us the whole story is making it even more suspicious.

Can we ask Ghosty for anymore pictures?

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I just noticed you’ve been spelling his name wrong the whole time.

Ghostly: Sure. Here.

Ghostly: It’s actually the picture of him giving Omega Tahu the planner.


Gloves. That’s why his fingerprints didn’t affect the glass.

These pictures seem pretty well shot despite you hiding, they’re even taken from different angles. Care to explain?


Ghostly: Well, I am a professional, after all. It comes with my trade.

Even then, you said you were hiding in a hallway. How did you manage to cross the suspects without being seen? The first picture shows the room door on the right, in the second it’s on the left. In order to get that angle you would have to pass the butler and OT.

Var: How is this relevant to the case? Either way, you still have these pictures. Like he said, he’s a master at his craft. I suggest we go onto a more on-topic discussion.

Ghosty claims that he was unseen, but in order to get those angles he must have passed them. It’s a narrow hallway, he would have been caught. That begs the question that if he was seen why was he not stopped? The only answer would be if he was in on it.

Anyway, could we ask Ghosty what time this happened?

(Running out of ideas, does anyone else have any?)

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Wait… It Does have one mechanical arm =O
You can bring that up maybe? Or is that not relevant =P

Also, MT’s fingerprints may be in the same glass if he asked for a refill to the Butler, but the Butler needed to see the Omega guy(or just was planning on framing him from the beginning) so he offered the Omega guy in the same glass, knowing he -has a mechanical arm-?
—just rambling some stuff—


By Jove he does.

Yes, please bring this up. His metal hands explain why there were no fingerprints and they may be the cause of Indi’s blunt trauma


“Omega Tahu” has mechanical arms

Ghostly is a robot and has inexplicably good photos of the incident




Ghosty/Ghostly IS Omega Tahu

Nah, he lacks a proper neck =P
Besides, he would have needed a human looking arm and better proportions

Let’s just go ahead and stay on the main point: the mechanical arm and what that means to the case


Kahi: This is becoming a little suspicious, Ghostly. You have all these good pictures and a robotic arm… And yet, you seem to dodge the question on HOW you took them!

Kahi: It’s making me think that YOU are suspicious!

Ghostly: AGH! No! You gotta believe me! I did nothing wrong!

Kahi: It all makes sense! The unidentified prints! The cup could have been moved with the robotic hands!

Var: I think that Kahi is not on the spot of the real point here: there is a mechanical arm. It CANNOT be Ghostly’s because it involves PRINTS.

Varderan: Therefore it would have to have a robotic arm, which Ghostly’s picture shows us!

Venom: So this means all we need to do is find the identity of the masked man?

Var: Wrong, your honor. We still have so much evidence that points to MT being the true murderer.

Var: HOWEVER! I feel that Mr. Kahi over here is still missing one final contradiction. His focus on these details have left him wide open to some contradictions I have found. Let’s hope he can actually find them!


Wait… Did he had blood in his hand before he entered the room… Which room?
Also… The glass of juice…
If he already had blood in his hands, then he saw after the murder happened, which means that he drank the juice after… So it means that he entered his personal room when Ghosty saw him?
EDIT: OK, the security footage shows him getting out of Indi’s presumably after he was “done” , that’s when Ghosty saw him, but I see no blood…

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I really think referring to past evidence will help with this testimony.

I could go off on how the hallway looks different but I think the more important thing is the blood. I see no blood on Omega Tahu’s hands in either picture.


I don’t have the brain atm to figure what it means, but only one arm is mechanical if that helps

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