Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

BlueCel: Honestly I am confused as well. I presume the running probably came from someone else at the scene. I wouldn’t know who.

Wait, you said a cellphone dropped in the panic, was there a phone at the crime scene?

So there was a bag with a gun in it, as well as a zipping noise, I feel like those two are connected somehow

We, can probably use those soon.

Eljay: No there was not. Whoever had it probably left the scene with it. It’s off of our tracks now.

Do we know what caused the power outage?

Could the zipping have been a bag instead of pulleys?

BlueCel: It definitely wasn’t natural, that’s for sure. Someone had to have interfered with the power. If it was natural the emergency one would have kicked in.

BlueCel: Perhaps. What does that have to do with the case?

Present the bag and ask if she saw it at the scene.

We have a bag that may be connected

What he said.

The bag contained a gun, which I believe could have been the crack you heard.

Don’t forget that the gun was missing two bullets, one may have been in risebells room, the other could have been fired at the toyfair

I think the one at toyfair is legit, but not sure about the second shot yet.

Eljay: Let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, shall we not? I would be glad to penalize you again.

Kahi: I’m wondering if you saw THIS bag at the scene.

BlueCel: It actually does look familiar. I think someone set it under the table or something where the sets were.

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This Bag was found in Risebell’s room, he may have a connection to all of this

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Someone? Could you elaborat a little?

BlueCel: I never saw someone put it under the table. I was elsewhere. When I came back before the power outage it was there. It looked awfully suspicious.

Alright, did anyone else have close access to the sets other than you?

You mentioned that UtD QB and Gali were knocked over, so we know the thief stumbled around in the dark a bit

That is hearsay Mrblackpants. we need official proof, and not what we heard while investigating Blue.

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