Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Who fixed the sets after they fell over?

Yea I’ve heard of him. Was he on security detail?

Eljay: That’s off topic, really. It doesn’t help us determine the case. A penalty for you.

(Lost one !)

BlueCel: Yep, he was. Along with Risebell.

#Court Record
BlueCel: I saw a Miru coming down in the darkness. It was terrible! His white hand grabbed Quake Beast as fast as he could, and dropped something as he tried to get back up. It may have been the red pin. The zipping sound occurred so it must have been the pulley, and then I heard someone running. It was a minute later when I heard a loud CRACK sound. I presumed it was the pulley which broke, and the thief landed next to me. I heard grunting, and he stumbled up to get to an exit. A few minutes later the lights went back on. Quake Beast was gone!
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.

-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.

-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand MiruDeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.

-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it.

-Red Pin: Dropped by the thief when stealing Quake Beast. Has Meso’s fingerprints.
-Emblem: Was dropped by the supposed Miru
DeMask during his escape. Has Meso’s fingerprints.

! ! ! !

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Sorry. I caused two of them. I feel bad now.

Don’t feel bad. It’s all part of the game. You guys can regain ! too. :slight_smile:


So where was Nyran when the theft happened

^It’s ok, just try and look what we are presented here instead of what happened in the investigation.

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Eljay: This discussion is going off topic. Another penalty!

(Lost one !)

Venom: You’d best be careful, Kahi. Three more penalties and Mesonak is declared guilty!

I can’t think of anything else to ask, do you think we could find way to get Nyran to come to court and present?

Didn’t know that was not important.

Why did you think the pulley broke Blue?

^I don’t think so unless he is actually a witness.

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BlueCel: Maybe Mesonak was just too heavy.

Meso: Hey! Are you calling me fat?

Venom: Enough. The witness will refrain from throwing insults.

BlueCel: That’s not what I intended but OK.

So it was Miru*DeMask who landed next to you?

BlueCel: I can say that with absolute certainty.

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How do you know it was him if the lights were out?

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BlueCel: Because I heard someone above me and they suddenly fell. The person above me I saw was wearing the Miru. That’s how I know!

How are you sure the zipping sound was the pulley?

BlueCel: Now THAT I cannot say with absolute certainty. There could have been that bag, the pullies, someone’s trousers. Anything, really.

What about that crack you heard, did it sound like a snap or something else?

Could it have been a gunshot?

BlueCel: It’s hard to describe, which is why I said it was a crack sound. It wasn’t high pitched by any means, but it was loud.

You said you heard running, which way did it come from if you can clarify?