Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Waj: Sorry, can’t let you do that either. How about something else?

Inspect the stuff behind the yellow tape.

Waj: There is a reason that the yellow tape is there. So you can’t access it!

Wouldn’t walls be more effective than tape though?

Inspect the handcuffs

Kahi: What is this here for?

Waj: That’s just a prop. Nothing more.


Inspect the paper on the floor and the one sticking out of the locker.

Kahi: What is this?

Waj: No idea. Maybe you should check it out.

Kahi: My gosh. It’s a blackmail note!

Waj: Ooh! I thought that was just something that just missed the garbage.

Kahi: Um… Do you mind? You’re looking over my shoulder.

Waj: Sorry, sorry. Just making sure you’re supervised for this whole thing.

Kahi: I’m not going to STEAL anything.

Waj: Yeah but I’m not so sure about that Prpl Dragon lady over there…

~Inspects Loose Paper~

Kahi: What’s this?

Waj: Probably just some loose paper. Doesn’t look like it has too much information on it.

Who is the note from? does it say?

You promised me secure access into getting into TTV’s inner groupings but you haven’t done it. You’re going to severely regret it.”

Kahi: And it’s from Risebell… By @yran, he must have had this on him.

Waj: So it’s a MURDER note?

Kahi: Either that or blackmail…

Do you have a sample of Risebell’s handwriting? if so, can you compare the two?

Waj: That note is clearly typed. We know it was from him because of the fingerprints found on it.

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Inspect the bag next to the metal detector.

Kahi: Just a bag full of stuff.

Is there anything left to find? if not, let’s visit Risebell again.

Kahi: I feel like I’m missing something VERY obvious…

Sees hint and looks at the pictures again

Let’s inspect the shooting dummy, and the car door.

Yeah no.

Are you not looking at the obvious?


The glove?..

I’m really bad at this.

What’s in the open locker?

We can’t look at that, it’s behind the yellow tape