Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Kahi: Hmmm… I could come up with a theory, but it sure would be crazy.

Venom: Give me what you got.

Kahi: What if TWO guns were fired at once?

Venom: What do you mean?

Kahi: It’s simple: Risebell could have used his umbrella and a secondary gun in order to shoot Nyran in the chest. If both went off at the same precise timing, then it would have to work.

Eljay: Hah. But where is the PROOF that this secondary gun even exists?

The pistol in risebells bag

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It was in rise’s bag.

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Kahi: This gun is a special gun. When I found it in the bag that was stated to be at the scene of the crime, it was discovered to have Nyran’s prints. .32 caliber fits the same size of what Nyran was shot with. It’s quite the gun, I will say.

Eljay: Hmmm. This is true, HOWEVER, you have one problem: the only prints on the umbrella belong to Mesonak. Nobody else!

Kahi: Augh…

Eljay: At least, you have proven the presence of Risebell’s gun there. But, I will question you on this: can you even prove that the gun was there on the day of the murder? Perhaps he put it in his bag when he arrived home!

Kahi: Oof. (Nothing I can do here.)

Prpl: KAHI! What in the world are you doing?

Kahi: I can’t do anything here, Prpl. I have no proof.

Prpl: You need to check the evidence closer! Look at what is there and what isn’t! Just check!

Kahi: But I have checked.

Prpl: You only checked the bag. Inspect that umbrella for yourself. You have to try anything, Kahi!


Why would there be fingerprints? He had gloves on.

(That’s right!) Eljay, did rise not have gloves on on the day of the murder?

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Eljay: I dunno. Maybe you should check.

Prpl: Look inside the umbrella if you can see anything.

Kahi inspects the umbrella. In the secret compartment, he sees a speck of dried up blood inside.

Eljay: Well, your honor, if the defense has nothing else to say, I think we may just need to come back from today after another day of inv-

Eljay: Gah! What do you need to add, punk?

Kahi: Only the death of your over-glorified argument! I’m going to uncover the truth once and for all! And I’m going to prove Mesonak innocent!

Eljay: Arrogant. So, so arrogant. That is like you, Kahi!

Venom: Just get on with it already…


There’s blood inside the umbrella. Can we get it DNA tested?

We don’t need it tested, we have all the evidence we need.

You missed something Eljay, there’s blood inside the compartment.

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Kahi: Your honor, please check the hatch inside the umbrella where the bullets do.

Venom: Hmmmm… What is this? What is this brown, crusty stuff?

Kahi: Blood, your honor. The blood of the killer in this case!

Eljay: WHAT!? Waj…

Waj: Please don’t hurt me…

Kahi: This had to be the blood of the true killer of this case, Eljay! This could be the blood that proves it all.

Eljay: No… DON’T!

Kahi: Waj, would you do Eljay a favor and get your men to check who’s blood this really is?

Waj: Sure, but you’ll have to wait for a while.

Kahi: (Gah, I don’t have that kind of time… Hm. I wonder if I could possibly surpass this with another piece of evidence.)

Eljay: We don’t have time for this, Kahi. I want fast evidence. I want it NOW.

Kahi: You want evidence? You got it.

Kahi: The evidence I have is…

#Court Record
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.

-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.

-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand MiruDeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.

-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it.

-Red Pin: Dropped by the thief when stealing Quake Beast. Has Meso’s fingerprints.

-Emblem: Was dropped by the supposed Miru
DeMask during his escape. Has Meso’s fingerprints.
-Risebell’s assigned guard duty hours: 1:00-3:00 PM. Clock in and out: 1:00-2:28

-Miru: A copy of Eljay’s Miru which was found on Mesonak after the scene of the crime. No fingerprints.

-Rubber Gloves: A white rubber glove. Found at the scene of the crime where Risebell killed Nyran. Risebell’s glove. Has Rise’s blood on the outside but on the inside it contains a ton of Nyran’s blood.

-Blackmail note: “You promised me secure access into getting into TTV’s inner groupings but you haven’t done it. You’re going to severely regret it.” Doesn’t have signature.

Nyran’s Autopsy: Shot twice in the chest. Died from getting shot in the heart. Got into a struggle with blood. Estimated death was around 2:22 PM. Died on Febuary 16th.

Umbrella: Contains the fingerprints of Mesonak on the outside. However, a secret slot reveals a bullet inside the lethal umbrella. Fires only once at a time.

Bullet: Used to kill Nyran. Two of these were found at the scene, one still lodged into the chest of the victim. Interestingly, no fingerprints. A .35 bullet… Has ballistics showing it came from the umbrella.
BlueCel’s testimony: I saw a Miru coming down in the darkness. It was terrible! His white hand grabbed Quake Beast as fast as he could, and dropped something as he tried to get back up. It may have been the red pin. The zipping sound occurred so it must have been the pulley, and then I heard someone running. It was a minute later when I heard a loud CRACK sound. I presumed it was the pulley which broke, and the thief landed next to me. I heard grunting, and he stumbled up to get to an exit. A few minutes later the lights went back on. Quake Beast was gone!

! ! ! ! ! !

Take a look at these gloves! As you can see they are already tested for blood. It’s Risebell’s and our victim, Nyran!


Eljay: A… A glove?

Kahi: Yes, a glove! The greatest kind there is! One that belonged to the REAL perpetrator, Ri-

???: Risebell, you mean?

Kahi: WHAT?!

Risebell: I’m here. I got a special request from Varderan to come to this trial. Hmph. I figured it was better that I defend myself.

Kahi: It’s too late, Risebell. You will earn your guilty verdict in no time.

Risebell: AHAHAHA! Try me, then. Give me your best “shot!”

Venom: Hmm. Eljay, will you allow this witness to testify?

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Sure, I got my evidence and this guy’s gonna get rekt, burned and all that fun stuff. You game eljay?



Eljay: I will allow it. But only so we can find the truth.


Risebell: I stole the Quake Beast set. It’s an undeniable fact, Kahi. You even proved it. Why do you think I was in that other courtroom? Pff. No, I most definitely did not kill Risebell. Meso did it. He even has his prints on the gun. As for my gun, I left it at home. I couldn’t get past the sensor for it, anyways.

#Court Record
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.

-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.

-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand MiruDeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.

-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it.

-Red Pin: Dropped by the thief when stealing Quake Beast. Has Meso’s fingerprints.

-Emblem: Was dropped by the supposed Miru
DeMask during his escape. Has Meso’s fingerprints.
-Risebell’s assigned guard duty hours: 1:00-3:00 PM. Clock in and out: 1:00-2:28

-Miru: A copy of Eljay’s Miru which was found on Mesonak after the scene of the crime. No fingerprints.

-Rubber Gloves: A white rubber glove. Found at the scene of the crime where Risebell killed Nyran. Risebell’s glove. Has Rise’s blood on the outside but on the inside it contains a ton of Nyran’s blood.

-Blackmail note: “You promised me secure access into getting into TTV’s inner groupings but you haven’t done it. You’re going to severely regret it.” Doesn’t have signature.

Nyran’s Autopsy: Shot twice in the chest. Died from getting shot in the heart. Got into a struggle with blood. Estimated death was around 2:22 PM. Died on Febuary 16th.

Umbrella: Contains the fingerprints of Mesonak on the outside. However, a secret slot reveals a bullet inside the lethal umbrella. Fires only once at a time.

Bullet: Used to kill Nyran. Two of these were found at the scene, one still lodged into the chest of the victim. Interestingly, no fingerprints. A .35 bullet… Has ballistics showing it came from the umbrella.
BlueCel’s testimony: I saw a Miru coming down in the darkness. It was terrible! His white hand grabbed Quake Beast as fast as he could, and dropped something as he tried to get back up. It may have been the red pin. The zipping sound occurred so it must have been the pulley, and then I heard someone running. It was a minute later when I heard a loud CRACK sound. I presumed it was the pulley which broke, and the thief landed next to me. I heard grunting, and he stumbled up to get to an exit. A few minutes later the lights went back on. Quake Beast was gone!

! ! ! ! ! !

Can you describe your gun?

Risebell: It’s gold and glamorous!

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(Insert objection) and that gun was found in a bag at the crime scene!

Risebell: So what? So was Mesonak’s umbrella gun.

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But you clearly stated you couldn’t get your gun past sensors, and the gun was found in your bag with your knife!

Risebell: Sounds like a fabrication to me. Unless you can PROVE that I brought it. Anyone else could have brought it.

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