Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

That seems like a pretty odd salt shaker to me, what is actually inside it?

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It has only meso’s finger prints and possibly no real purpose, but if you want to show us again sure

Plural: You’re not gonna believe this! It… Is Sodium Chloride! Hah! You see! It’s just pure salt! I think… Actually, I never actually checked the contents. It LOOKS like salt.

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You didn’t make sure it wasn’t just sugar or something else?

Can we test the contents of the of the salt shaker?

Does it taste like it?

that would call for a break I guess.

Plural: Well, I actually stole it from Looch, so yeah. Don’t trust it.

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Wait, you stole the salt shaker from Looch!?
Then why did you said he dropped it?



you said someone dropped the salt shaker…

I think your statement was bootlegged!

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You said it was Meso’s salt shaker in your testimony, your honor, could we see what the contents of the shaker are?


Plural: I bet I know what it is! I think it’s poison!

Kahi: SHUT UP WILL YOU? You’ve just LIED to the court? How am I supposed to believe your testimony?

Plural: You see, that Nekchir guy? He threatened me. So I’m just trying to do my best to not die, okay?

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You were just playing it for Nekchir? Suspicious and supporting of us bringing up Nekchir to the stand


I heard Looch

Is this the part where I come in wielding an axe and slice everyone’s heads off a big slice of cake that was behind Plural?

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Kahi: [You know you are in the court of LAW?][1] Just because you’re threatened doesn’t mean squat! Plural, what is the TRUTH?

Plural: Maybe you should ask Nekchir yourself. I’ve said enough.

Pop Gulp

Slime: Ugh… Did he just eat the CONTENTS of that bottle!? Quick, someone get a medic!

Kahi: You’d better get Nekchir right now, Slime. This case isn’t over until it’s over!

Venom: But don’t you think we should take a break?
[1]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x_qjs_mF51I

No its where you tell us who wrote on the waffles!

He ain’t gonna be the guy who’s giving you answers.

You know this is just, well, a GAME right?

Fine! We can take a short break for the day! Besides we could ;probably gather ourselves and find more evidence!

Why did plural eat my salty bux.

I need that for my gambling addiction.


Personally I would advise against it.