Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Look through the records from the case!


Why is the door open I should check that out.

Kahi: I need to go to the court and see the files. Something is very, very wrong.

Kahi drives to the court to see the records for the Solek incident. However, he doesn’t see anything wrong with it yet.

Kahi: Just the same stuff I already knew.

However, Kahi comes upon a newspaper.

Kahi: What is this?

Newspaper: COMMON BURGLAR ESCAPES! Former Mod Squad member John Smith escaped from a police car in September 7th of 2015 when he was being transferred from the detention center to actual prison.
The police tried to find him, but to no avail. He is currently missing.


I wonder if the Mod Squad knows about this…


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They obviously do if it was put in the court records.


Well this is a dead end, or is it let pull a batman and look into this as far as we can.

Hmm maybe we could ask them a few question? like what his was doing right before all of this etc…

No time. You guys should hurry home to get some rest.


Is it too late to start taking part?

@Chronicler ok

Well then to home and to sleep. Unless someone has broken into our house.

It’s never too late, Diamondking.

February 3rd
TTV Law Offices
8:23 PM.



???: Hello? HELLO? Somebody help!

Kahi: Wh-who is this?

???: No time. Just please, open your door! He’s onto me?

Kahi: WHO? Who’s onto you?

???: Looch. He’s finally compromised me. This is bad news, Kahi. NOW PLEASE OPEN YOUR DOOR!!


It’s @Plural let him in we said we help him. I’m about to die again ain’t I.

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Plural stumbles onto the floor and locks the door.

Plural: Oh gosh, he’s done it. He cracked my code. Now I’m gonna be in a world of PAIN!

Kahi: Just calm down, Plural. Now, I’ll call the police.

Plural: No time! Hide me, please!

Kahi: Alright! Stay behind that counter! I’ll go confront him… With whatever I have.

Kahi closes the door behind him and goes down the hallway. He doesn’t see Looch.

Kahi: Hello? HELLO? Is anyone down here?

Kahi looks outside of a window. The Eggo truck is down in the parking lot, but no other cars besides Kahi’s are. Kahi turns around to go back to his room. His door is opened.

Kahi: Oh no… No no no no no…


I pull the shotgun i had stored in my pants.
I go back to the door, And i look in.

Ask Plural for a waffle!.. No?

Look in your room!

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Kahi: Oh no… Oh please no…

Kahi: PLURAL! Are you alright?

Plural: Hmm, well does it look like that to you? Kahi, please. I need paper to write my will… My system collection… Cannot be left to anyone but my family… If I even have one…

Kahi hands him paper and a pen.

Plural: No, to the body, stupid.

Kahi hands the body paper and pen. However, it proves to be impossible to write.

Plural: Oh no, he’s gonna take my system sets too.

Kahi: Please, Plural. Don’t panic. I’m gonna call 911. You can live.

Plural: No I won’t. I really, really will not.

Kahi: … Okay you’re right on that.

Plural: Kahi…

Kahi: Yes?

Plural: Cronk…


Plural: Cronk is a… A… Scruuuub.


Sounds Legit


Plural dies that instant. Kahi begins to panic. However, as he turns toward the phone, Prpl has blood on her hands.

Kahi: !

Prpl: How did this even happen? One moment I’m eating snacks, and the next I have this… Blood on my hands… Or whatever the heck it is. I think it’s blood? I should probably taste it to figure it out.

Kahi: Please don’t.


Oh why Plural, why. you where so young, If only i pulled my shotgun out sooner.

Please do I would like to join you.

Use Plural’s mask as a soccer ball for saying that!

Ask Prpl if she did it!

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#Prpl killed me!
Ya know what dat means?
Due to the Plural Code of Plurality, the truck passes on to nearest murderer who’s name starts with P. Congrats, Prpl!