Kahi Nuva: Ace Attorney: Podcasts for All - An Interactive Adventure

Kahi: But there is going to be SOMETHING he pulls to show me a lesson of what I’ve done.

Prpl: Don’t worry about it, Kahi. Meanwhile I’m going to eat some of this free hotel food.


Munch munch munch

Kahi: Sigh

end of Investigation Chapter


Bum bum buuuuum

So what’s next? The world may never know

#Part 3: Trial Latter

December 9th
Courtroom Lobby
10:20 AM

Mesonak: Oh Kahi. I hope you’re ready for what is to come.

Kahi: Don’t worry, Meso. I’m sure Eljay will help me out on this… I think.

Mesonak: You’d better be right.

Var: Well, Kahi, I say good luck to you. If things go right, Meso won’t have to be convicted at all.

Kahi: I sure hope not.

Prpl: Well good luck, scrubs.

Mesonak: Kahi, there is one thing I need to tell you.

Kahi: What is that?

Mesonak: Be VERY careful in that courtroom. Risebell has something up his sleeve, I know he does.

Kahi: I’ll be able to take care of that.

Mesonak: Right but he may have some incriminating evidence against me. Plus, I don’t think you have everything you needed to win this trial.

Kahi: Well, I can’t go back and investigate now.

Mesonak: I know, I know. Kahi, just do the best you can.

Kahi: That’s what I intend to do.

Bailiff: Alright, time to let you guys in. Ready?


Yes sir, bailiff.

Kahi: Ready as always, legomaster.

February 18th
New York Court House
10:30 AM

Venom: Order! Order in the court! Court is now in session for the trial of Mesonak vs. The State of New York on the murder of former moderator Nyran. Is the Prosecution ready?

Eljay: Of course.

Venom: What about the defense?


Aye aye, yer honor.

Of course your honor.

Kahi: Of course. We’re still going with that penalty system this time, right?

Eljay: You know me well enough to know I’m going to keep it. If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

Kahi: Makes sense.

Eljay: Wait, before we start, I want you to know this, Kahi. I don’t want you leading the court at ANY time whatsoever. If you can’t back up your claims, the double penalty will be in order.

Kahi: Double penalty?!

Eljay: That is correct.

Kahi: (Oh no no no… He’s going to strangle me so I can’t save Mesonak. But why this all of a sudden? Why does Eljay want me to fail?)

Eljay: You’re starting to get sweaty, Kahi. Do you need a towel?

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No, I need victory and money.


Kahi: No no, I’m okay. (Not really…)

Eljay: Alright, then. Let us bring up our first witness, Waj. He’s going to give us the rundown on all the facts and evidence.

Waj: Hello, everyone.

Eljay: State your name and occupation.

Waj: I’m Waj, and I’m a Moderator. In justice we trust!

Eljay: Give us your testimony, why don’t you?

Waj: It was around 2:20-2:30 PM on February 16th when Nyran was murdered by a single gunshot to the chest by Mesonak’s umbrella gun he uses as the infamous Miru*DeMask! After he murdered Nyran in cold blood, he stuffed his body into the closet. This all took place during the blackout when Risebell was stealing the Quake Beast set.

#Court Record
-Attorney Badge: Tells people I am an attorney.

-Black Out Records: 2:20-2:27 PM.

-Calling Card: “You’ve been rekt’d, scrubs! This set was stolen by the grand MiruDeMask, AKA Not Mesonak!”
-Quake Beast: Stolen set. Actually contains NO prints! Was found in Risebell’s office under his desk.

-Risebell’s bag: Contains a golden pistol. Has a zipper on it.

-Red Pin: Dropped by the thief when stealing Quake Beast. Has Meso’s fingerprints.

-Emblem: Was dropped by the supposed Miru
DeMask during his escape. Has Meso’s fingerprints.
-Risebell’s assigned guard duty hours: 1:00-3:00 PM. Clock in and out: 1:00-2:28

-Miru: A copy of Eljay’s Miru which was found on Mesonak after the scene of the crime. No fingerprints.

-Rubber Gloves: A white rubber glove. Found at the scene of the crime where Risebell killed Nyran. Risebell’s glove. Has Rise’s blood on the outside but on the inside it contains a ton of Nyran’s blood.

-Blackmail note: “You promised me secure access into getting into TTV’s inner groupings but you haven’t done it. You’re going to severely regret it.” Doesn’t have signature.

! ! ! ! ! !

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If Nyran was shot by the umbrella gun used by Miru*DeMask, than how did he get it if Risebell was the culprit?

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Eljay: That’s off-topic. Penalty for you!

-2 points!

Kahi: (Hmmm… Maybe I should ask about the details of the case first…)

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I honestly don’t know where to start

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Kahi: Can we see the autopsy report?

Waj: Sure.

Nyran’s Autopsy: Shot twice in the chest. Died from getting shot in the heart. Got into a struggle. Estimated death was around 2:22 PM. Died on Febuary 16th.


Where is this umbrella gun if I may ask detective Waj?

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Wait, murured by a single shot, but the autopsy report shows two bullet holes!


Kahi: Can we see the murder weapon?

Waj: Sure. Also, we found the bullet that killed Nyran. It’s right here.

Kahi: Hmm…

Kahi: This autopsy is peculiar. It showcases a struggle, Waj.

Waj: Indeed it does. Take a further look into it, if you want.

Kahi: Hmm… Can I see this umbrella gun?

Waj: Most certainly. As you can see, it looks like a normal umbrella, HOWEVER, this compartment can open up to reveal that it can shoot small bullets, like the one that killed Nyran.

Umbrella: Contains the fingerprints of Mesonak on the outside. However, a secret slot reveals a bullet inside the lethal umbrella. Fires only once at a time.

Bullet: Used to kill Nyran. Two of these were found at the scene, one still lodged into the chest of the victim. Interestingly, no fingerprints.

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The autopsy states that Nyran died to two gunshot wounds, not one.

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Kahi: Waj, there is a HUGE inconsistency with your testimony and this autopsy!

Waj: Which is?

Kahi: The fact that Nyran took TWO bullets instead of one!

Waj: Oh right…

Eljay: WHAT? Waj, why didn’t you say that to BEGIN with?

Waj: No idea… I must have mis-spoken.

Eljay: Whatever… The evidence is still sufficient. Carry on with the cross-examination.

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