Kardas Hopper

Decided to take part in the small Rahi Contest happening with TTV.

This submission is an upgraded variant of an old grasshopper build that I made a few years ago. I call it the Kardas Hopper. This small grasshopper-like Rahi resided within Karda Nui as the Av-Matoran were first colonizing the place. After Karda Nui got flooded and the stalactites fell, it became harder for them to live there as the grasshoppers fed on the vegetation and typically hung around in areas covered in light. Though they can fly, their legs alone allow them to jump half the height of an average Matoran, and their eyes let them see in IR and UV as well as visible light.

Instructions: Kardas Hopper Full.pdf - Google Drive


Now I’m wondering if the Kardas Dragon’s name is also related to Karda Nui.