Karpal, My Self MOC

So here is my self moc. This was my first attempt at using custom torsos.


Based off the single pic itself. I really like the build.

The proportions look quite good from that angle and I really like the way all the armor pieces fit together. It’s deceptively simple and a great MOC.

Thank you.

For your first custom torso I’m impressed it took me a long time to be able to fit armor together that nicely. The shins look a little long to me, but that’s just me. It still looks great

I don’t know what it is about it, but something makes me really like this moc. Edit: the build and the color scheme.

I like it. The color is pretty balanced all the way through, and it’s really sleek. However, it needs more pictures!

The feet are a bit too big, and the Gresh armour add on looks strange where it currently is. But I really like this MOC.

looks cool, but i highly dislike the legs.

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Please explain

They look way too generic and way too close to each other

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