Kartava the Boxer

So, this will probably be my last constraction moc for a while, since I ran out of pieces. I’ll probably go back to lego mecha

anyways, this moc came about as a stand, but I decided against it, but the gimmick was the boxing function. I basically tried to make the Tarakava function, then make it poseable. So then I made the shoulders, then everything else came from there. Sadly I couldn’t find the matching blue arts for the legs.

by adjusting the arm you can make him throw different punches, or just flail his arms

C&C appreciated, and enjoy!


It’s cluttered in places, but I completely understand why.
If you’re focusing on figuring out a function, you won’t really be focusing on streamlining the rest.


So it’s a rock 'em sock 'em hero?

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This really ought to be the Pool Cleaner’s Stand, this guy would complement him perfectly! I love the boxing function.

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Was this by any chance based on this design? :laughing:


It’s nearly identical in design.

As for the MOC, it looks more like a frame than an actual design, it’s very unfinished in the lower legs and the arms.


What is that?!

except mine is better

it’s more of a play oriented moc than design. It’s a lot of fun to just bash people.

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Oh that is just plain awesome.

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It’s a Mega Bloks “Kapow” figure. A failed concept of rock’em sock’em blokdudes.

They both function nearly identically, both in concept and how they’re actually built, I’ve messed with them before.

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Just like the rahi of old, they look terrible but make up for it with the function, nice work.


well… :laughing:


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Weird, but it has a cool function.

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Man now I wanna make a Moc with a cool function, this thing is sweet!

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AYYYYYYYY It’s an anagram for Tarakava, I’m wise to your tricks old man ;^)


Cause it’s the eye of the tiger it’s the will of the fight…

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