Karzahni realm landscape?

So! Hello everyone! Just curious about a few things about the realm of Karzahni, firstly if the realm of Karzahni was intended as a place of healing and to improve matorans attitudes then why was it such a hellscape? Second, does the ground literally scream at every step? That sounds kind of dumb and irritating, can you imagine the amount of screaming footsteps happened during the fight between the Toa Nuva and Icarax? lol. Some information I found: Karzahni was the second location built by the Great Beings during the construction of the Matoran Universe. It became Karzahni’s domain. The realm was originally intended as a place where Matoran could be sent for their injuries to be repaired and for their poor attitudes to be changed.
The realm itself was very strange. The ground screamed at every step; other land features included volcanoes that spewed burning ice and waterfalls made out of dust. If a Matoran were to sit down, the rock upon which the Matoran sat would turn the Matoran into a statue.


Perhaps the screaming ground only affected Matoran, like the statue thing. Karzahni didn’t know Toa and Makuta existed until recently, so he probably didn’t account for them, and I’m sure he wouldn’t want to hear that under his own feet


That’s a very good point actually. Thank you!

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Sure, thanks for reminding me. Karzahni was a weird place that was there one minute and gone the next, and an intriguingly visual space at that. Shame we didn’t have a landscape art contest for the MU…


You are most welcome. It is a shame, it was one of the most interesting places I read about in the MU, it would have been awesome to have a landscape contest!

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We know that the landscape changed to some extent – according to Bionicle World, there were many water routes that dried up. So it’s possible that it was once a nicer place, and Karzahni slowly changed it. Come to think of it, we know Artakha had control over the climate of his island, so maybe Karzahni did too.


Thank you for that information, I lost my Bionicle world book. That’s actually a good point, having an insane ruler around that could manipulate the landscape would probably produce what Karzahni ended up looking like lol.

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I always imagined that Karzahni was just a bad grounds keeper, and stuff like the ground screaming, I just thought it was more like the noise was something like it or something

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