Kendrick Lamar - ELEMENT. [Bio-Cup Entry]

This is an entry for the 2018 Bio-Cup. It is a stylized version of Kendrick Lamar. It fits into the Bio-Cup round 1 theme “Elements” because this depiction is from his song “ELEMENT.” (Warning for younger viewers, song and music video contains strong language/graphic violence)

Well, this felt good to make! I haven’t really made a MOC in almost 4 years. Thank you Bio-Cup on forcing me to get back to the bricks. I’ve started to grow further and further away from LEGO as I’ve gone deeper into my teenage years. I hope I get to proceed into some of the next rounds to make sure that I don’t drift again lol.

I appreciate all feedback, good or bad. :slight_smile:


Fantastic job, and clever idea.
Good luck in the Bio Cup

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This is a great idea.

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Clever play on the theme there. You really did a commendable job of making a genuinely human-looking MOC. The joints are a bit gappy (though that seems hard to fix without sacrificing posability). The Vahki head is really a clever way to make a human-shaped head, the only thing that detracts from it is the fact that I know it’s a Vahki head and can’t unsee it as such. Really though, great job!

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Clever and amazing use of parts, great job and good luck with the cup!

Very clever idea. The head looks great, but the finn head looks hilarious and weird.

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