Kikaiha, Toa of Water

(Full gallery here).

Pronunciation: Kee-KAI-[h]a


One of thousands of new Matoran born into the Post-Reformation, Kikaiha would live most of her life within the sprawling urban center of New Atero, where most Matoran and Toa were now concentrated. In the second century Kikaiha achieved her Destined transformation into a Toa and, like many new Toa, operated within the sovereign structure of the Octerran League’s Guard.

By the end of the second century, Kikaiha had been assigned sole guardianship over the Garal Islands, a shallow water coral reef atoll whose settlement was founded by several former inhabitants of the Mata Nui island. It had since continued to grow into an important stop along the southern sea trade route and a sophisticated coral farming site cultivating exotic minerals and rare sea creatures unique to the reefs. Situated at the very end of the Water Tribe’s southern archipelago, the islands were formally under the authority of the Water Tribe and thus the Octerran League, but in practice the League mainly left them to govern themselves. As such they would constitute one of the only mixed Protoderman/Magnan settlements within Octerra under a traditionally Protoderman leadership, in this case Matoran.

After the Garali had formally requested the Guard for Toa protection from increased raiding activity, Kikaiha volunteered to be sent as several of her own friends, both Matoran and among the Agori and Glatorian, had since joined the burgeoning settlement. Kikaiha would serve as the sole Toa protector for the Garal islands for the next several decades. And for the time being, her presence seemed enough to overmatch most threats to the Garal Islands.

Mask and Weapons:

Kikaiha wears the Kanohi Tehapu, the Mask of Vertigo, which allows her to disorient an opponent’s perception of balance and movement so long as they remain in sight.

Her Toa tools, the Twin Strider Blades, were used normally as bladed tonfas but could also attach to her feet. In the latter form, the blades perfectly repelled water allowing her to “skate” on top of any surface of liquid water. While in environments with enough atmospheric humidity or close to sources of water, Kikaiha could summon thin films of water directly underneath her Strider Blades to let her effectively glide through the air for short distances, though doing so required immense concentration.

In addition, Kikaiha would develop a secondary fighting style with her tools acting as bladed prosthetic extensions of her legs, engaging in highly acrobatic maneuvers folded into water-controlled attacks.


**The mask used is an awesome custom mask on Shapeways: [G2] Eltanin’s Kanohi Pakari


oh wow
this looks great!


This is incredible. The blue and black work so well with the green and silver accents. Did you design that hand assembly yourself?


First, thanks both you guys.

About the hand - sort of? So I’ve explained before how I build it and why I use it despite more technically stable versions. This is now ubiquitous to most of my mocs that are smaller than titan scale. Years ago when I first put it together, I thought I was basing it on my fuzzy memory of other hand designs I saw from old mocs when I was younger. But when I actually got to searching for this particular kind of hand later on, I couldn’t find any examples of the exact kind. I still can’t. I know there are methods using bar-clips or single-bar-plates that go through the center axle hole of the socket, but part of the reason I use the hand I do is because I want that axle hole open for weapon holding. Other designs are variations of similar styles but elongate the palm more by 1 or so units, and that’s also not to my liking. I need my moc hands to be as compact as possible in relation to my mocs’ proportions. So while I thought I was just recreating a common hand design, I’ve never been able to find a real example of it. Still, it feels too simplistic for someone out there to not have already done it before me, so I’ll assume I just accidentally converged on the same design.


Literally same

Anyway, the painted pieces make me uncomfortable as always, but there appears to be less here than the usual. And the shaping is fantastic; you’ve really managed to pack in a ton of greebling detail with everything remaining visually consistent. Easily one of the best mocs on the boards, well done.


This moc looks pretty cool. The colors and color spread are great, shaping is good, and the lore is cool. Really good moc here, great job.


Thanks. But allow me to make you even more uncomfortable my good @Ghid. Every piece here is painted regardless of whether or not its color is available~
I can’t stand the slight inconsistencies in hues or textures otherwise.



Love, love, love this moc. It’s proportions and color blocking are excellent, the photos are great, this weapons give off a very classic to a-tool vibe, and she’s got a fun story. And her hair design is super cute. Great job.


Thank you! While I’m not usually that nostalgic for all the set traits of g1, I’ve always been a sucker for Toa carrying dual purpose weapons ever since the Nuva.


fantastic build, love the weapon concept

oh well at least the hues you’ve gone with are nice


Is this true?


non-purist monster


I appreciate the quote in your bio compared to the reality of your use of paint. I also appreciate your dedication in painting, it looks awesome. The build itself is fantastic as well: I like the proportions and especially the tools!


@DuneToa Yup~

@MooCowsRock I forgot I had that lmao.


Those weapons are very nice. tonfa that double as skates is quite ingenious.


Are the weapons painted? They look like Chrome silver.



I like this one.