Samurai dude with a mysterious past. Will probably be my last serious moc with college starting soon.
This is beautiful
That is awesome! I love the color scheme and the System is blended very well with the Bionicle and CCBS. My only problem with it is that the head seems really small.
I like the blades on his back. Kinda reminds me of Tahu. You also did a great job with layering the black and yellow.
Great picture quality.
- Color Scheme is Extremely Consistent
- The Loin Cloth was created Beautifully
- The balls going from the back to the front look Interesting
- Really like the legs
- Torso looks stunning
- Hands work well
- Back filled up pretty good
- The balls on the back of the legs look kind of Meh.
I would give this MOC an overall rating of a Biased 10/10.
It is Stunning and looks Beautiful to my Akaku’s eyeholes. It is extremely sad to see a MOCist as good as you leave the Artform.
I might want to rephrase that if I were you…
[Thinks about it for a Second]
Ohhh. That’s… um… Yah.
OMG! This is the best! I love the color scheme and always love a good moc with a krana. The katana sword is awesome but would love if he had double katanas and wish you had used a different chest plate but none the less, this moc is great and is very good with only a few flaws for me, so 9.5/10 Great job! And he looks like a bee
that’s an exceptional not-scorpion you have there.
Wow, that’s amazing, I love the use of both Bionicle and CCBS.
Nice! The yellow looks good.
So many wasted balljoints
I wish that I could have that many balljoints
Well the MOC itself is really cool, but the chest with the orange and green doesn’t look very good with the rest of the MOCs colour scheme.
Well, if you have All of the Toa Okoto, you should be fine.
That’s epic.
Love the thunderdrums.
whoa that looks cool
beautiful as always sir
Do the round things on his shoulders detach and flail around?
Can they split and hover independently and provide offense and defense?
'Cause that would be cool.