(Klix, Toa Kuta of Frost.)
Rahkshi didn’t work, Bohrok didn’t clean the Toa away, the Makuta believed thay had created and unleashed everything imaginable to stop the Toa’s from their goal, until the idea came of building Toa to fight Toa. The Toa Kuta was that very idea, and had planned on succeeding like nothing else had, until one day, the Toa Kuta decided to fight against and battle their creators.
The Toa Kuta had no idea why they were built in certain ways, but none more curious than Klix. While feeling acceptance from the Toa and Matoran, she doesn’t actually know what she is. All she knows is that she wants to try her best to give her the rightful and true Toa name.
I built Klix some time ago, and got nitpicked over the Nuva chest on the original. While I understand the complaints, I also didn’t feel it was out of place. I went to Cherry Bomb Toys to pick up some new parts from their bulk bins for MOC’s and other stuff, and I found an Exo Force piece that worked perfectly. I wasn’t intending to recreate it, but that piece made me want to. I also changed up a lot on her, and while she still isn’t a superior MOC, I still feel it’s an upgrade. Also gave her more white.
(Front View)
Weapons include a mounted-arm blade, and mounted-arm gun which can rotate.
(Front View)
(Back View)
(Point an shoot)
(What’s that?)
(You talking to me?)
(Just chill)
(Ahkto tries to please Ahkahna)
(Women who can’t hold a conversation for 200 Alex)
(Chit chat)
(Who is that?)
(Team together)
(Keep trying Ahkto)
(Happy Holidays)
(Pretty cool for such… meh MOC’s)
If you don’t like it that’s fine, but I like where she’s at right now, and I hope you guys enjoy her and I hope she’ll do well on my channel.
(Bonus photo: #SexyAhkto)