Made this one to fit in with the rest of the team. Group shot forthcoming.
This is probably my favorite revamp of Kopaka. Every works so well and it keeps the original feel of the character.
This is my favorite of the bunch, favorite revamp at that.
Good job!
I love the look, so… Wintery. It looks kinda like he has a parka on.
A bit gappy but nice, i like it, good job
This is nice to be sure, but a little too bulky in my opinion. The toa of ice should be thin and slender. At least that’s how I’ve always seen him.
Great, that shield looks really nice! But perhaps you could use another sword… Maybe a Knight’s Kingdom white one? That would look great IMO
I could definitely try a Knights Kingdom sword. I think I have pretty much all of them. I’ll swap that in there for the upcoming group shot.
Omg this is my favorite one of the set so far. The choice of shield is great, and I love the Kohrak handplate on the chest.
Please give us instructions, this is so good
Awesome shiels and the tubes work really well
Hey, this guy looks…
Perfect shield addition and the tubes are very cool.
A well-deserved upgrade! Great work.