Kovlaw, rogue toa of ice v2

Kovlaw, rogue toa of ice

Name; kovlaw
Element; ice
Weapon; demonic ice blade Tenroujima, his claw

I’ll admit this one has the most story though it’s still not a lot.

Originally a toa of ice but he defected after the rest of his team made him lose his arm in a fight. now

Name; kovlaw
Element; ice
Weapon; demonic ice blade Tenroujima, his claw

Originally a toa of ice but he defected after the rest of his team made him lose his arm in a fight. now works as a bounty hunter / assassin. Completely power obsessed and spent time getting Tenroujima just to make himself more powerful. Doesn’t work well with others since they only slow him down

I went with a mechanical phantoka look with him since I originally designed him as a cyborg with the claw replacing the original arm. He doesn’t have the shoulder cannons anymore though his claw does have one extending cannon in it. My only problem is that his upper legs are really too simple though anything else I tried limited the knee.

For reference here’s my original Klaw build.

His claw has 2 guns off the top and a folding cannon.


Looks better, good job.

more like titan of ice.
this guy looks awesome.
his feet design looks really cool as well!

Well my general idea is that the claw replaced one arm and the rest of his body he wears heavy armor. He’s a character I sometimes use in role plays so there’s way to many details to really explain but that’s the general idea; demonic cyborg iron man

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Every time I see it updated it looks better, solid work man!!!:grinning::grinning:

Nice looking dude man!

It looks like Kopaka 2016 mixed with HF:IFB. Awesome!

That is one of the best claws I’ve seen.