
Upon receiving the signal that the Bohrok have fulfilled their destiny, their body begins a metamorphosis. Upon receiving the energy pulse of the Ignika’s life energies on Spherus Magna, their krana fuses into them. This returns organic tissue into their bodies. These former Bohrok are given new life for completing their duty to the Great Spirit and are allowed to live a new life on the new world.

Also some alternate designs I made. I feel like the first looks more like an evolution of the Bohrok body but these designs just look nicer in my opinion.


This is a really neat idea. Big fan of these


A neat concept and cool mocs, great job


How has noone thought of this before? Both kinda uplifting and ****ing creepy!

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Interesting concept, I like the builds.

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What would happen if they transform into toa? Can they even do that anymore?

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No, I’d think they’d be sort of in a zone between Agori and Matoran. They have the resistances of what their bohrok affinity had been but can not transform.

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This is a really cool concept and a nice execution. They definitely look like new iterations of Bohrok. Do you suppose they still have krana powers or are connected by the swarm-mind?

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No, I’d like to think that they become independent again. Although they will probably naturally share a sense of unity with each other still. The krana may influence their personality a little though, similar to how different types of matoran have shared personality traits. I’d imagine they may have a little more natural strength and durability than a regular matoran as well.


Cool idea, got me wondering: would they retain their memories as Av-Matoran or would they be an entirely new consciousness altogether?

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Ooh good question. Hm, I think a new identity would be fitting

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this is… so cursed neat. are these buildable with only parts from each bohrok?

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bohrok don’t have mata heads

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true, I was referring to the rest of the build, since I have a bin full of mata heads (even some with no eyes!)

No they use liftarms, not included in the borok, as an important part of the Torso.


creepy. very creepy.

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quick zork put shrek on them in ms paint

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Don’t you dare.

I thought they were cute