Krataev the Warrior

Here’s another moc of mine from earlier this year. I couldn’t think of a name for it so alphalegendarymoc on instagam suggested Krataev which I like.

I made this guy back when I had more limited parts, so his colours and structural integrity could be improved. I tried to add the “titan” tag for this, but all that came up was “titanfall”.


This is such a great moc. It has a cool and complex build and it looks imposing, and I especially like the designs for the head and feet, but the rest of the build still looks really nice. Good work!

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Thanks very much! :slight_smile: I’m glad you like it. The ankles and knees are a bit weak but I was pleased with the hip connections.

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I like the head!

(I added the Titan tag for you by the way)

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Thanks, dude! I appreciate you adding the titan tag.

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