Kraverse Onewa

The Kraverse Universe version of Toa Onewa. A deject from the city, Onewa wanders Metru Nui in the shadows, armed with his own designed Proto Piton, he is one of the few Toa left on the island, and one of the two defenders of the city. His weapon can transform from a massive pickax to a gun that can fire blasts of Elemental Stone energy.


Just 3 pieces on silver? (Not counting his weapon)

Anyway it looks cool, but the color distribution is a little bit meh I would remove the silver, but there is no bohrok shield piece in brown so idk

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Looks nice. The weapon is cool too.

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Pretty simple, but nicely done. The huge block of silver on the chest is a bit jarring.

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The silver on the chest looks a little odd, but everything else is great, especially the ability to move the blades on his pick.

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Nice m8. He’s very compact.


It looks so feminine!
So he is a bad guy?

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It sorta looks feminine but I like it overall!
I would probably add some silver to the arms and legs to make it look like armour or remove the silver piece on the chest.

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The chestplate looks kind of out of place in terms of colour and shape, but I really love the Proto-Piton design. It maintains the shape of the original weapon, but improves upon it a lot, so well done!

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Nope. Just a disgraced hero.

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