Krolena, vengeance incarnate

Started out as v2 of

With the intention of strengthening the legs so the stand wasn’t needed but it turned into a ultimate form of the character / moc instead.

My goal with her look was to make it look like the original transformed into this with the legs becoming the new limbs and her body forming the shoulders and upper chest. I also tried to make her as big as the original though now in the humanoid form.

time for a break.

Compared to a Uniter build, combiner wars brawl, and a minifigure


are those…

Bohrok breasts…?

has MOCing gone this far??


Actually inika heads covered by claws.

still looks rather unappealing.

There are a bunch of flaws with this.
But just for its size, I like it.

This seems cluttered in a lot of places and the colours could be distributed better. But I will say that I really like the build of the lower legs and most of the torso.

The shoulders look too thin and detached from the rest of the moc.

Looks good, except for the fact that the head is super small compared to the rest of the moc. Try going for a custom head.

Those wings are great!

Squash dem fools…

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