A bold choice it be, to make Kualus blue before the contest is over. Still, a very nice moc, very reflective.
i thought the contest finished?
No, the art portion still runs. i believe Kualus’s metallic colour in the art is the canon colour.
Very nice. I like the parts usage of this moc.
Well, the most popular entries keep blue Kualus and I like it. It seems that Titanium Pouks and Copper Gaaki will be a thing, though Bomonga could end wearing metallic green or pearl gold depending on which one wins.
The little rahi is a really nice touch Seriously your renders are so shiny.
Having an RTX graphics card really helps the shininess.
An RTX what, 3090? I have a 2060 and don’t think I’d dare render like that lol
I have a 2060 Super. I also have a Ryzen 7 3700X and 32gb of ram to boot.
Hmmm, pretty similar, more ram but the rest is close mind if I ask your render settings?
I have my render quality set to Very High but I have everything else set to default. I also have the scratches turned on with a ratio of 0 to 0.3. I also have my rendering device set to go to my GPU instead of my CPU. Hope this helps!