Kuroc, Okotan engineer of the light village

So I built this little guy for the Peoples of Okoto community project. This is his story. After the destruction of his village, Kuroc became a wanderer among the vast regions of Okoto. Carrying all of his equipment with him and offering his services to all who asked, Kuroc quickly adapted to a nomadic lifestyle. Kuroc prefers to avoid combat but when it is inescapable, he uses the VR-30 automatic ion pistol. Kuroc prefers ranged combat as he has a volatile gas tank strapped to his back. No matter what comes his way, Kuroc is ready to meet the challenge. Whether it be solved by welding torch or high powered blaster pistol.

Ready for action

Inspecting armor

Side views

Back view

A look inside the toolbox

Just messing around with some spare parts

Kuroc’s travel was greatly aided after he built a robotic companion. Going by the name of PackBeatle, the machine is directed by neumatics and is capable of reaching great speeds.

Saying hello

Mounted front

Mounted side

Mounted back

Onto battle!

Robot friend

“This makes me Boba Fett right?”

If anyone is interested in seeing other user’s entries in the community project, you can find them here.


A very interesting design.

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ok, Kurok looks really cluttered with all the stuff on him, and his little "steed’ looks really… bad. like, bare-bones, basic as hell bad.

First of all, the Robot Friend (or whatever it’s called) reminds me of the Drill Bot I made for this MOC project. (I don’t care if it was inspired) Second, I REALLY like this MOC. The cluttered look really makes this MOC feel like an wandering engineer. I also like the weapon.

The robot friend looks weird so I’m going to give this a 9/10

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He looks really cluttered. Kind of a visual overload around the torso IMO.

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I quite like the overall look of the guy. His companion is another story…

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I love the cluttered look.

It really suits the wandering engineer backstory…

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@Hutere Thanks.
@Sammythekat and @Joe Kuroc is supposed to be cluttered. He has to bring all his tools and materials with him on his travels. The robot mount was just something I built quickly to show that Kuroc is an engineer and all the tools on him aren’t just for show. It is barebones and little thought was put into it.
@Toa_Distraxx. You understand the exact point of the moc that I tried to bring out. :+1:
@Ekorak. Thanks. The robot is more of a prop than a part of the actual moc itself.
@EvilLobsterKing Thanks. That’s exactly what I was going for.


Yeah, but the massive box on his waist looks sort of awkward.

I like the build for his gun.

Thanks. I think that’s the only time I was ever able to build a good looking technic gun. Also can’t believe people are still viewing this moc in 2020 lol

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