Lacerta, a dimension traveler

I have made my new self-moc.

His power is light and dimension travel.

His personality, appearence, and lore is mixture of my first self-moc and my av-matoran lacerta

This is my first self moc which I made in 2021

I recreated him to take pictures of them.


Lacerta was just an ordinary av-matoran until the great cataclysm struct the matoran universe. He fell into the bottom of karda-nui where pit mutagen and water was standing. He was mutated and granted his new power. It was known as the dimension teleportation, a power that the user can travel alternate universes and pocket dimensions. It is an useful power to other beings. However, Lacerta’s case wasn’t more than a curse. Unlike other users of this power, he can only reside in an universe exactly for a week. After the week pass, he is teleported to other universe by his own power. He cannot do neither choosing his next destination nor shutting down his own power. If someone uses spear of fusion to Lacerta, the universe itself splits into two separate universes including that Lacerta. After both Lacerta left the two worlds, they merge back into a single one, creating paradox in its timeline. But the splitted Lacerta doesn’t merge, making them into different entity. It makes their population grow. Currently, there is at least 2500 individual Lacerta.


so like a nerfed Brutaka?

(love the colors)


@anon46747862 Yes, something like that.
(thank you for loving the colors)