Lariska the Catgirl

i still hate fat gaaki tho i don’t care what that makes me

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I just mean that the official sets only had one character (that I know of) who had a sexualized appearance. This makes MOCs like this one very different, especially in style, from the sets. It’s not that I’m against someone making these, but I just don’t feel as though it fits the design style of this theme at all.

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Alright, but now you’ve gone too far. “Lariska” and “wholesome” don’t belong in the same room. =P


I showed my girl friend at the time my helyrex moc. And asked her if it was offensive and not only did she say no she told me she herself being an artist she often drew women with similar attributes. So take that information how ever you want but don’t imply that I only see women in a certain way.

And as for you buster. Don’t be calling me or other people perverts just because of your own insecurities. I see you and a lot of other people people always criticize peoples mocs even if they have the the slightest hint of a feminine design. And it really gets to me because why are you all so quick to put down the moc and the mocist. They took the time to build it and share it and in my case at least in the hopes of peoples approval only to get bombarded by criticism just because you are all so overly sensitive. Anyway iam tired of arguing with you people we aren’t going to eye to eye on this clearly.


please, by all means, show us a time where we complained over a MOC with “the slightest hint of a feminine design”. You won’t find any, because that’s not what we take issue is.

And it most definitely isn’t what this is.


Well here is one that I remember seeing and managed to find. Looks like it was his first time posting too and got this this crap dumped on him. I remember seeing a lot more too. But am not playing the game of show us proof. It’s out there. Just look.

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I don’t know how anyone could refer to that moc as having “the slightest hint of a feminine design”.


Is this something to argue about?
Honestly, I like this type MOC, but I don’t think there’s a need for controversy.


Personally Your Moc was fine…after all Meso has the same chest on his selfmoc…it was only after the sentence: “individual articulating boobs” which then caused loud uproar and rightly so. I’m puzzled how such an idea was even considered by you for even a moment. We were talking canonisation contests, canonising into a world with no need for such features such as mammary glands nor articulation! What purpose would articulation serve?

I disagree, constructive input was given and the design was genuinely improved. The crit wasn’t about the presence of breasts but rather the clumsy placement which did not fit the Moc. And on the flip side you will find dozens of topics showing the opposite, that Mocs with all sorts of shapes and sizes are welcomed.

(edit: @KingBoss seeing as you may not know) If you wonder why the response for this particular Moc has been…volatile, well the deleted photos and captions were pretty bad imo, no one could claim the poses were not meant to be sexual.

Anyways, I don’t think you (Bodi), me or anyone is going to have their opinions changed by the discussion here, disagreements on the internet hardly do change anyone’s minds, only harden ones resolve.

I think we should all just leave the topic be for now. :slightly_smiling_face:


You’re right. We shoud argue about arguing instead. :stuck_out_tongue:


Fair enough.


“what is arguing”

Glad we can have an understanding. :sunglasses: :+1:


Baby don’t hurt me


:gun: :baby:


Good job Axelford


Contests are over, yet contest-related arguments continue as if nothing happened… It doesn’t surprise me.


not sure how this quantifies as a contest related argument




it’s time to stop


It’s only the beginning