Lariska, the Wise, Wonderful, and Gloriously Homicidal

That is one of the coolest Lariska’s I have ever seen! Amazing work!


This looks pretty good. The amount of detail is amazing.


This is really great, but I do take issue with all of the (intentionally?) controversial stuff. For me, it’s hard to see your chosen position for the eyes as eyes, just like it’s hard for me to see the Bohrok’s eyes as eyes. And I just think a non-Vahki head would be better for Lariska given she’s not a Vortixx and nobody’s ever confused her for one (like, say, Johmak). Her height isn’t really a canonical issue but a display one - would this Lariska look good next to Toa Lhikan, Hakann, and Nidhiki? Probably not, given that she dwarfs them. I really like this MOC, it’s a great one - the shaping is masterful, the proportions are extremely satisfying, the distribution of the orange looks so good, and the parts usage is unique - but I don’t think I could vote for it. Best of luck to you, though, all the same.


It does look quite good, though I can’t say I’m a fan of the titan scale. I do understand and respect your justifications, the issue is that it’s not about canon at all for me. I feel like it just negatively detracts from the character design.

However, other than that, I do really like this. The addition of red adds very nice aesthetic breakup. As far as criticisms that comply with what you want go, I’d say she is quite tanky. Like, she doesn’t look all too ‘lithe’ to me, at least in the limbs. The legs are especially guilty of this, and the hands as well (they are the size of her entire head …)

Though I’m confused on how all the system fits together, I am a fan of the head design. It’s clear evidence that people can use the Vahki skull without it looking like a Vortixx. It reminds me of Scorpion from Mortal Kombat, in its shaping.

It’s up in the air on whether I’d vote for this. At the moment I’m leaning more towards no, and shockingly not because of the height; more because of how absolutely chunky the whole thing. However, with some of your design choices, I could definitely see myself supporting a more lithe version of this. Best of luck.


Easily one of my favorite Lariska mocs out there, bro. I liked your earlier renditions of it back in 2020 and I still like it now. I especially love all the mounting points you gave for her daggers; it gives the moc a really practical feel. I also feel that you’ve succeeded in finding a unique way to breathe new life into the Vahki head. Gl!

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Who started Lariskat meme?!
At least as a person who made digitigrade lariska, I think your Nyariska is not bad Nya.

By the way, this is a really cool MOC. It’s quite… I think it’s one of the best. See you in the contest.


This is really great, but is it weird that I kind of prefer the Lariscat version? It just feels little less bulky. Either way, this is a great build.


I like it visually

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In defense of tall Lariskas, I’ll say that she is said to be the most feared Dark Hunter only after the Shadowed One himself. So the dudes you should be comparing Lariska with regarding how believable is she in universe should be the other Dark Hunters, and most of them are titan sized. A toa-sized lariska wouldn’t be believable as the most feared Dark Hunter, specially since she lacks any power beyond her gimnastic abilities and precision with weapons, so she is basically a Black Widow. Would a little black widow scare, let’s say, Conjurer?, Darkness?, Eliminator? If anything she might look like that Piper Perry meme between those dudes.
If that’s not enough, in a more recent post Greg said that Lariska’s size relative to a Toa is unknown, and the post everyone quotes when talking about Lariska’s height was an answer to a petition to make the ugly naked av-matoran in Spiriah’s back her official appearance. So, the 2017 post contradicts the 2008 post, and in the confrontation, the 2017 one has an advantage for being more recent and having more thought behind the answer.


I hesitate to dispute this since I don’t want to make this topic devolve into an “argue past one another” match, but the 2008 post has the advantage of being earlier, and it’s the general opinion of many lore scholars that earlier answers take precedence. Also, Lariska does not need to be huge to be a feared Dark Hunter - Shadow Stealer is tiny, and he’s pretty well-feared. A Toa-sized Lariska is easily believable, especially given her gymnastic abilities - it makes more sense if she’s an average size.


First of all, as @KDNX said, earlier answers generally take precedence. Greg himself has said this, as he sometimes forgets previous details, and would rather not overwrite existing canon.

Second, why do you feel the newer answer had more thought put into it? The original answer specified Lariska’s (approximate) height despite not being specifically asked about it, suggesting that Greg already had an idea in mind. In contrast, the newer answer is just him forgetting his original answer.


I do not mean huge, but average or even slightly below the average dark hunter size. Besides, Shadow Stealer was a member of the Hand of Artahka, the most powerful organization in their times, and he has the power to teleport to every shadow and transform it into a weapon, so he has every reason to be feared. Lariska does not. A reasonable size for Lariska would be something in the league of Tuma, Hydraxon or Umbra, taller than a Toa, but equally shorter than Brutaka or Roodaka.

I meant that the original post was a reaction to avoid canonizing Spiriah’s matoran as Lariska, whereas in the most recent one he is asked directly. If he had the idea in mind I doubt he would forget it so easily, considering that he said that Lariska is his favorite Dark Hunter and one of his favorite Bionicle characters. He also says that when he writes he thinks in words and not in pictures, thus it is more likely that he came up with the toa-sized quote in the moment as a mean to clarify why she can’t be matoran-sized, and that’s why he forgot it. That means that her size never really mattered to him, which to be one of his favorite characters of his magnum opus also means that we shouldn’t care either. If he didn’t forget it (which I doubt), then the 2016 post is a correction. If Greg is asked about it by the TTV admins, with evidence of the 2008 post, the most likely result would be that he will keep his last statement, to allow more creative freedom to the MOCers. Additionally, all the remaining contest with the exception of Marendar and the Golden Skinned Being are for Toa-sized characters only, because they are Toa. Can’t we have a new titan for once?


He forgets a lot of stuff very easily, including whether or not the Great Spirit left the Solis Magna system, to which he gave two different answers in eight months.

That doesn’t change that that quote came first, making it more canonically sound that the newer one.

Entirely conjecture.

I’m not saying Synnova should not enter the contest with this build - there’s no reason it must adhere to any existing scale. It’s not about limiting creativity or anything, it’s just canonical that she’s Toa-sized.

Synnova, I apologize for allowing your topic to slip like this. Toa Vidal, I will now respectfully disengage from this discussion. Feel free to respond as you wish.


This is so cool, great use of colors as well!

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Well, all I say is that the “Lariska is toa-sized” is not a strong canon imposition at all, as it is very poorly supported by a forgotten and contradicted post that discourages MOCers to build titan sized Lariskas afraid of not having an opportunity to win. Size should be a matter of personal preference for both voters and MOCers, that’s all I’m saying.

PD: I also apologize for making a needless debate on the comment section of this great MOC when it’s not the place to do so. So I want to end this by saying I love the improvements made to your Lariska. The take on the Vahki head makes it look very original and different from a Vortixx, as well as fitting with other Dark Hunter’s like Conjurer and Charger. And the rendering is just perfect, you nailed it.

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Must we argue over matters of no importance? I see no reason why the size of Lariska has any bearing on this MOC if it is obviously not firmly understood even by her creator (Greg Farshtey). If someone needs to get a final answer on this, why don’t they just ask the original source and get it cleared up once and for all?


Thank you all! Glad you’ve taken a liking to it :heart:

I understand where you’re coming from, and yeah I guess from a certain perspective her legs do look… thick. Given that I’m trying to apply accurate humanoid proportions though, I believe her legs are appropriately thick enough compared to her body :sweat_smile: She is, after all, acrobatic, so I think it fits quite well that she’d have strong legs

I agree her hands are pretty big; that’s the price I’m willing to pay for a chance to canonize this technique of articulated hands in our lore :joy: Besides, I think it’d be quite nice if our literal one-of-a-kind assassin could have some versatile hands to pose with.

I was surprised myself I could fit all that System in there to form a coherent head design around the Vahki head base; glad you like it!

Istg, man :joy: Considering our personal history of butting heads over Constraction philosophies, I understand the entire context behind this short comment, and I appreciate you for being honest and trying to be polite about it. Cheers, lad :joy:

This should not have made me laugh as much as I did; see you at the contest :joy: :sparkles:

I’ll take any and all validation I can get for my building style and design choices :joy: :joy: :sob: I do appreciate you and all the sentiment to defend Lariska’s height; thank you. This issue has silently bothered me for quite a while now, knowing how I tend to ignore what my builds look like next to existing sets because I’ve never really owned any. If anything, sentiments like yours do encourage me to push on with my vision, because at the end of the day…

… opinions and preferences are just opinions and preferences. The concept of a Toa’s height in LEGO form has always been a wacky topic, and Greg himself has already confirmed that no matter the set’s size, a Toa’s height remains to be ~7 ft tall. It all boils down to what builders put the design next to, and I’m confident in my standalone Lariska here :sparkles: because all a Lariska Entry’s supposed to do is to look like Lariska, and she’s perfect to me.

I massively appreciate your input and your move to keep the thread civil and respectful while maintaining relevance. Thank you. Boards users could use more behavior like this, if I’m bein real :joy: Cheers!


Exactly, that’s my point. Her size doesn’t matter because it didn’t matter to his creator in the first place. I’ll guess that Greg will be asked eventually the same way Eljay asked about the Yesterday Questers weapons (sadly).


I think TTV have learned and won’t ask Greg something like that again without express confirmation that the community would be okay with it. I suspect there will be a loose “Toa sized” guideline but I could easily be wrong.


This is some impressive work, really well done!

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