Lartok - Steltian Pirate

Member of Steltian pirate Kreld’s crew. Lartok is unusually careful for a member of his species, preferring to take out his targets from afar. Not that his natural strength isn’t up to handling threats up close as well.

Considering I built Morudak to have someone to put next to Kreld, the sole reason why I built Lartok here was so I could flank Kreld with two guys. Accordingly I wouldn’t really consider this a particularly great build. Due to the hood I even decided not to bother too much with the upper torso.
Oh, and the hood deliberately is a poor sewing job. Figured some rag would fit better. And I could recycle cloth scraps for it.

While posting Kreld properly will have to wait, I can share this (suboptimal) picture at his point, though.

As usual, C&C appreciated!


Crossbow pick? Nice job with the body shaping :+1:


I like this Steltian design! Even if you say it’s not great, I think he looks perfect for a pirate.