Late Night Sketch

So it was about 2:00am and I couldn’t sleep, so I drew this:

Would have done more but the lead ran out in the pencil, so RIP. This is a decent sized pic tho, probably takes up 4/5th of the page. It’s not my normal stuff and it was a super quick sketch, but since I haven’t done much posting recently I thought I might I well do it anyways.

Feel free to critic and such, criticism is always welcome.


The face looks really cool
Awesome overall

Living up to your title, I see.
Quite the detailed drawing for such a late-night activity.

Man, this looks sick.

If this demon doesn’t have a name yet.

I’ll name it Murlohc

And very cool.

Reminds me of the beast from that one Doctor Who episode.

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It looks like the troll/orc guy from “The Hobbit” but with horns!
It looks great!

Omg you’re right… His name is Azog I think.


It is.

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Looks pretty great, I love how the head came out!

Pretty spoopy m8

Looks like an MMORPG character.

There goes my sleep.