Lava beast head

I got bored so I made this:

Comments and criticism are welcome.


Looks incredible!

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Neat, I like the use of the borok heads to form the eye stock.

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The teeth on the upper jaw look bit odd, but not too much, and overall, this looks really cool



That’s actually the melded part on the real mask

Could you suggest any ways to fix it?


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Oh whoops :joy:.In anycase it still looks hecka cool.

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Not bad, but I can’t unsee those red pins as being eyes.

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Would it help if I
A. changed the red axels to black ones
B. change the bohrok eyes to black

Eh it’s ok, it’s a bit too long compared to an actual beast mask, and I’m not a fan of how the horns bend, the build is good I guess…



It’s more re-imaging the actual head then trying to replicate it

I can just straiten them out due to the pieces that make them.


Nice! I want to see what this looks like on the actual set.

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I like the shaping of it.

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It looks great!
I feel if you redid the whole set using system as a base it would look AWESOME!

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Wow! I think it looks like a pretty cool representation of the Beast head, and far more functional! I refer, of course, to the poseable jaw. If anyone figures out a simple and easy way to mod the mask as it is in the set, that’ll be cool too, but this is just the bees knees.
I don’t know what bees knees are actually like, but I bet they’re as cool as this.

I do think the underside of the jaw looks a little too flat, but I don’t know how one could change it and not make it look too bulky.
I dig the horns and the Bohrok eyes used for the crystalline shaping on the back, and the System eyes here are nice, they don’t overwhelm me with trans-yellowish-green, but they keep the whole sickly, bad-guy/mind-control thing the set had going on. I also like how well the Technic parts work to shape the horns.
And that tongue!!
This whole thing is so hot, pun intended. :stuck_out_tongue:

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These colors go together so nicely! And the build looks solid and complete. Luv it!

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That’s some mousetrap you built.

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Mabye try using the system teeth pieces in black? The ones used in the mixels.

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Well, if you changed both to black the eyes effect would be mitigated, but they look better in orange and red. And who said those shouldn’t be eyes?

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