Lava Beast prevamp (update)

Just a few minor changes like getting rid of a little trans neon orange, adding some solid orange and extending the neck a little.

I tried giving him digitigrade legs but I didn’t like the look of them so I kept the old design.
Comments and criticism are welcome, I’d love some criticism to help me improve on the design


I like it, but the three toes are kinda creepy


Thanks, and the toes are supposed to look creepy


The arms seem a little short, and in general look kinda out of place with the rest of it.


Thanks, I’ll try to fix that

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This overall looks pretty gr8 m8 :thumbsup:
You get a Farshtey seal of approval!


But that means it’s no longer canon!




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I find the legs too long, maybe shorten them?


Really cool!
You get the Miru of approval, because Greg decanonizes.

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digitigrade the legs!

Y’know, like the OG model.

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This looks really good, but again I’m going to have to say not bestial enough! :smile:

My idea would be make the arms long and add in the wings, and make the legs really short and digitigrade, so he looks like a pterosaur or a dragon.

But that’s just my idea, this still looks phenomenal!

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The arms are too short in proportion with the legs, which seem too long. Just a personal preference, but I think the orange looks weird for this particular character.

But I like 'im :slight_smile:

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Where are his epic wings?! DOSE WINGS WER DA BEST PART OF DA SET!!!

Anyway… I think that the MoC on the whole is very well constructed, but I think you should lengthen the arms, and add more black (just to make it look more ‘bestial’, ya know?).

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I will add the wings when I get the set

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Okee dokee :gregf:

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Not a bad looking moc, the red Umarak mask will look perfect on it

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