Least liked Bionicle character?

not necessarily just your least favourite, but i was wondering who the character least liked by the Bionicle Fanbase overall was.

delete/merge if this already exists


Akhmou, Solek and Ketar come to mind

I personally don’t have any issues with them, I much more despise Karzahni for being so ugly and not true to his comic design


Well, if you’re Greg, then it would be the Vahki. :gregf:


My least favorites would be Akhmou and Metus. They both are spiteful.

Another least favorite are Vahki for being too bland.


I imagine the least liked character is someone very obscure who never got released as a set


My least favorite character is Firedracax because he did nothing and I hate his name


If you wanna talk about characters who did nothing then I think all the 2009 vehicle pilots except the Iron Tribe guys would be good contenders

While Perditus did manage to gain some popularity from Reviving Bionicle, the other three - Crotesius, Kirbraz and Scodonius - are so forgettable that I presume most people wouldn’t even know those were their names :P


Yeah I still forget then all the time. The vehicles are more memorable


Previous replies have mentioned characters that aren’t really important to the story, but I don’t think that should make them bad characters. I actually quite like that there are so many people with their own stories in Bara Magna, even if we don’t get to delve into them. To me, Bara Magna really came the closest to recapturing the magic of 01-03’s Mata Nui setting, with all of the named Matoran and their various roles.

Personally, my “least favorite characters” are those that have a role in the story, but don’t accomplish it well, or make the story “worse” in some way. The only one who comes sort of close to me like that is Reidak. I don’t feel like he’s consistent. If I remember correctly, 3 of our beloved Toa Nuva fought him all at once, and he just keeps getting up. I get that he can’t be beat in the same way twice, but it doesn’t explain how he doesn’t get beat at all in the first fight we see him in.

I already am not entirely sold on the Piraka beating the Toa Nuva, but I can excuse it being that they fight dirty. Tahu’s fight against Zaktan was a great scene! But having half of them caught up hurling attacks at Reidak felt weak to me.

Then, Reidak’s “ability” is never really brought up again. It supposedly endures forever and compounds with each attack he survives, but realistically that would be an incredibly OP power!

Maybe I’m missing something, but Reidak’s part in the story always kind of annoyed me.


I second the opinion of a lot of people here, the least-liked character is probably someone from Bara Magna solely because no one got a lot of exposure to them.

If I had to wager a guess, I’d say it could be Mavrah or the cursed Great Being because they’re so brief in their appearances. May also be the Vorox king in the Yesterday Quest.