I’m a firm advocate of using LEGO parts in new and interesting ways and blending sub-systems (System, TECHNIC, CCBS, etc.) in order to make jaw-dropping MOCs. That being said, there are some parts that due to their design are just very difficult to use. My personal pet peeves are the Rahkshi shoulder and back pieces (probably because I have the misfortune of owning 20 of each )
How about you guys? Are there any pieces in your collections that you just can’t seem to integrate into MOCs?
Any non pose able limb. Also those Vakhi hunches, they’re a pain. All of the Rakshkii spines (the bit that slides in). Disk launchers, I cant think of any other use than disk launcher. Speedorz cant be used for anything else either.
Upper limbs are pretty good for more basic MOCing, but yeah, their durability issues are a pain. I just had a socket explode in my hands today, the plastic shards flew halfway across the room.
I think it’d be relatively feasible to incorporate it. You can hide the flesh tone and incorporate the hair as brown fur detailing on some kinda Rahi MOC.