This topic is for an idea i had in regards to what type of gameplay Legend of Chima would have if it had another game.
original topic
the Gameplay in question is a strategy game format similar to Battle of Middle-Earth, with structures to build to gatter resources and soldiers and heroes to call upon to fight your foes.
here are some of those ideas, so that you can get a better view on this consept.
CHI gattering structures
Saber-Tooth Tigers
How CHI works
Now how the Chi works in this game is that there are special parts of the maps with pools that are called “Chi Pools”, in order to collect Chi from these locations one would need to create a CHI structure like the Lion Temple on the Chi Pool in order to harvest Chi. but the harvest is not a fast one and other players can steal your Chi from ither the temple or from the villagers that come to collect the gattered Chi, so its best to make sure that these structures are heavly protected.
i should note that the Ice Hunter tribes can’t gatter Chi like the other tribes, instead they must steal it from them, but the Ice Hunters are some of the more powerful tribes one can play as, and thats because of their ice powers. Though that does not make them invinsible against the other tribes if they do not have fire Chi.
And the reason the Ice Hunters can’t gatter Chi is because they need large amount of Chi in order to make more troops, just like in the tv series.
And to make a final statement on how Chi works in this game, Chi is used as the main resource in the crafting of: weapons, vehicles, upgrades for soldiers, and you can even give troops Chi orbs that they can use in battle to Chi up, boosting their stats for a limited time.
Info about the tribes
under construction.
List of heroes
-Lavertus (unlocked after completing the Outland story)
Scorpion (unlocked after completing the Outland Story)
Spiders (unlocked after completing the Outland Story)
Bats (unlocked after completing the Outland Story)
Sabretooth Tigers (unlocked after completing the Fire and Ice Story)
-Sir Fangar
Mammoths (unlocked after completing the Fire and Ice Story)
Vultures (unlocked after completing the Fire and Ice Story)
-Voom Voom
Phoenix/Cat Guides (unlocked in the Fire and Ice story)
Nomads (can only be hired from neutral buildings)
-Dom de la Woosh
The story of the game follows the tv series, however with some changes to the plot to allow for gameplay.
For example in the story mission based on “Fake Chi, Real Trouble”, instead of the tribes that uses the “Chigull” to start acting like chickens, they would instead be under Reegull’s control (though still give off the “chicken” sounds) and have a permament Chi up glow to them (though the color would be just like the “Chigull”). The only way to complete the mission would be to collect all of the “Chigulls” that are in the tribes possesion (aka: destroy the different tribe’s Storehouses, where in the “Chigulls” are stored).
The story mode would be set up in three different stories with two sides to play as, and players can play as all of the different tribes in the two story modes, though for the villain tribes in the two later stores, you have to have completed the story in order to play their story mode.