Legend of Zelda Discussion


(That preorder gift… is so…beautiful!!! :joy:)


Isnt that an america exclusive collectors edition?

not a preorder gift

Yeah my bad, it’s the limited edition for america.

Apparently it sold out the day it was announced (which was yesterday), so… it’ll most likely be gotten by those that preorder the game.

(but whatevs)

I got into Zelda about one and a half year ago, or something like that anyways. Now it is my all time favorite Game series with majora’s mask as the best game I have ever played. I mostly like the 3D console games, since one of my favorite aspects with the series is sword fighting with the Z-targeting, but I enjoy playing the 2D games as well.

I was lucky enough to pre-order both the new 3ds xl Majoras Mask edition and the europian Majora’s mask special edition.
anyone else hyped for the 13th February :slight_smile: ?

oh dang, it’s coming out that soon?



Mine wasn’t… I have to borrow money to bactually buy them. I was expecting them to come late spring, but I don’t mind being wron on that one :blush:

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So who here got Majora’s Mask 3d?
I have and am enjoying it. Granted it is my favorite game in the series and possibly my favorite game period. The changes are not awful(Ignoring Oldolwa) and I loved Oot 3d’s look.

Also I found this perfect piece of art moments ago.


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Now that I’ve played a legit Zelda game (Ocarina of Time) I suppose I should take part in this conversation

what non-legit zelda game have you played

inb4 steven only plays hyrule warriors


Ocarina of Time 3D.

(And also I have Four Swords but I didn’t consider that a full on game)

(@Chro: Rekt)

Oh yeah I got links awakening dx on my 3ds a couple months ago

maybe I shouldave posted that earlier?

I’d really like to get into this franchise more, but I haven’t had time/money/a Nintendo console with me…
That said, I do have Spirit Tracks which I enjoyed a lot.
(Unfortunately, my DS has a broken top screen :frowning: )

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I can’t believe I didn’t find this topic until now…

MAJORA’S MASK- Best game Zelda game in my opinion. The remake is glorious. I think it’s better than Overrated of Time and Toilet Princess >:)

Just kidding, I love Ocarina and Twilight as much as the next guy, but I think Majora’s Mask surpasses them. @Kahi should really play Link Between Worlds, it’s phenomenal. I also really liked Minish Cap. I think it’s the best GBA game.

@Ice If you had played Phantom Hourglass, it would most likely replace Spirit Tracks as your least favorite.

I didn’t play Zelda as a kid, but now my brother has persuaded me to play Ocarina of Time and Wind Waker. I’ve enjoyed Wind Waker more, given I have played it way longer.

Best GBA game on the whole system?

Or just the best Zelda game for GBA?(if there even were more)

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@Nyran The only other GBA Zelda game was a remake of Link Between Worlds, and I don’t really count that when I say Minish Cap is my favorite GBA game overall.

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Recently started playing OoT 3d

first time playing the game
Its pretty fun
I guess.

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Has anyone played Hyrule Warriors? Me and my brother got it recently and I’ve really enjoyed it.

I’ve played Hyrule Warriors. Say this when you obliterate enemies with Darunia: DARUNIA SMASH!