YT Video
Hello fellow compatriots to yet another build! This time I present to you a built that almost entirely uses flat silver in an attempt to make a rahkshi with the ability to dodge any incoming attack. As such there were a lot of quite odd building techniques in this guy while still retaining the arm swinging feature that the original rahkshi sets from 2003 possessed.
Though making this figure with a staff my idea for this particular breed of rahkshi was for it to have claws to slash their enemies. While also using the claws to aid itself in a quick escape if necessary. Furthermore, it has two extremities coming out of its shell acting as thrusters to aid in gliding in tandem with its hover board shaped feet. Essentially, a Felnorahk can stand slightly off the ground drifting and dodging at high speeds.
Well that is all for now, this is your host Tributron here and I will see you next week with another build. Happy Building and Play Well everyone!
Nice, custom rahkshi builds don’t always capture the feel for me, but this one really feels like it captures the posture/proportions well
I am glad to hear that I got the general feel and theme across. Especially in this scale and color-scheme.
The foot design is outstanding!
Hehehehe thank you
I wanted this build to feel almost alien in presentation.
Is the trans-yellow shin meant to represent anything, or is it just a lack of parts?
The reality sadly is indeed a lack of parts since im budgeting in starting a biological chronicle of my own with sets and all.
Though we could use the trans yellow for a bit of additional lore. Since a Felnorahk can maneuver in high speeds it might need a special type of material to handle the g force. And to look like protodermis the silver was painted over to trick the unknowing Toa into believing an 8-9 ft wrecking ball of pure protodermis is flying towards them.