LEGO Creator Topic

My nostalgia center just overloaded.


I want to slap that Beachside Vacation set right alongside my beach hut (2015 creator set) Oh they’d look so good together!

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I would eobably buy a new Dragon set from Creator.

With all the new parts Lego is constantly introducing, I think an updated set like that Red one, or that Green one could be really cool…


I always loved the smaller Creator sets. There’s just so much you can do with them, even outside of the canonical 3 sets.

I’m not as big of a fan of larger Creator sets, but I’m not opposed to them either.


I am currently in love with the Mighty Dinosaurs set, and I am waiting till after Christmas to see if I need to get it or not.

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inb4 hidden Creator lore


I don’t know why, but I love this set

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For lazy kids who don’t wan’t to take apart vehicles piece-by-piece to create something new. Too time consuming. The quick switch-n-swap modules caters to today’s kids’ instant gratification without actually making the vehicles large individual specialized parts (as done in the past). Genius if you think about it.


I definitely agree, that set seems really good. I’m also looking forward to the robot set.

I absolutely LOVE creator. No minifigs, no overly specialized pieces, nothing licensed. Just you and the basic bricks building anything you want. I’d say “it makes me feel like a child again” but when I was young the only thing I cared about was hoarding as many clone troopers as possible. So, this is a nice new experience for me in all honesty.

A while ago I picked up the Mythical Creatures set and it was a very cathartic experience using the limited parts to build whatever.

Here’s two things I built below- my attempts at a plesiosaurus and a rancor