Hello fellow compatriots to yet another build! This rendition of Von Nebula is what he would look like after the events of HF Breakout. Building his body with the 2.0 technology now so readily available, the vessel is designed to contain the nebula gasses that is his new immortal form. Forged from matter that has been compacted down thanks to his gravitation pull in deep space, his armor formed a dense alloy while all other impurities crumbled to dust. Power so strong that it is leaking out of his armor from the seems, including his very chest where his hero core once was back in the early days as a hero. On a quest to travel the known cosmos to rebuild his crew, he learns Mr. Makuro isn’t all that they appear to be. Discovering what he now is, he reveres himself the ultimate Makuta that ever lived, and Akiyama Makuro’s worst nightmare has only just begun…
Wow that look so cool! Really pays homage to the original but with a ccbs touch and clever use of techniques. Well done.
Thank you, I’ll be sure to post on this site more often
Finally, some Hero Factory!
The melding of Hero Factory and Bionicle is a neat touch for lore and I like how this guy looks both like a Hero Factory titan and a Bionicle titan at the same time. He has the piston supports of Bionicle, but has the back-leg supports we saw on sets like Fire Lord and Rotor.
I also appreciate the inclusion of the classic Hero Factory pieces such as those spikes and the CCBS armor shells, and those larger Star Wars armor shells on the shins are a good look! My only gripe about the piece choice is that I miss the black Hydraxon mask the original Von Nebula had. The Black Phantom head is nice, but it doesn’t feel like Von Nebula to me.
Overall, amazing MOC, and as B2Nine said, an excellent tribute to the original!
Yeah I had difficulty with the head as I didn’t want to use the old head build but rather an upgraded look to it. I always liked the vent detailing the original had in conjunction with the mandibles. Though once I get better in 3d modelling I might 3d print my own head design for him.
And thank you! Hero Factory deserves more love honestly