It definitely seems to be a commonly held belief that licensed sets are more expensive than non-licensed sets. And, to be fair, this makes a lot of sense, as Lego does have to pay to use those licenses. However, with people like Jangbricks continually trying to claim that this isn’t the case, it would seem that this is actually up for debate. And that got me wondering as to whether or not this is true.
What I’ve collected are data* points across various lines and themes Lego has, choosing to select from the Winter/Spring 2017 and Fall/Winter 2016 waves**. They will be labelled as follows:
Licensed Lines:
Star Wars 2017 (1)
Star Wars 2016 (2)
DC 2017 (3)
DC 2016 (4)
The Lego Batman Movie (5)
Marvel 2017 (6)
Marvel 2016 (7)
Minecraft 2017 (8)***
Non-Licensed Lines:
City 2017 (1)
City 2016 (2)
Ninjago 2017 (3)
Ninjago 2016 (4)
Nexo Knights 2017 (5)
Nexo Knights 2016 (6)
Friends 2017 (7)
Friends 2016 (8)
Elves 2017 (9)
Elves 2016 (10)
What I did for each of these lines is average all of the price per parts in USD and the standard Deviations. The results are quite surprising:
The data is surprisingly well spread. I see no reason to think that Licensed sets are more expensive by any serious degree - in fact, the most expensive line I surveyed was Lego City’s 2017 line! No, this does not take into account type and size of these pieces - this is evident in how Minecraft manages to stay under 10 cents per part. But, within the fairly wide standard deviation bars, there seems to certainly be no reason to think that licensed sets are more expensive in terms of price per part.
My data is below:
I am curious though why so many people seem to think that licensed sets are more expensive. Furthermore, even if the PPPs are by reasonable measure the same, do you think that licensed lines cut back on value in other ways, such as using more small pieces (Star Wars does this IMO, though it adds detail so I love it) or something else? I really appreciate your feedback!
*I got all of my data from bricklink
**I did not evaluate any constraction, polybags, calendars, or other unordinary sets
***There was no Minecraft Fall/Winter 2016 wave other than character skins, so there are no data points for Minecraft Fall/Winter 2016