LEGO NinjaGo: The Dark Island Trilogy Stop-Motion Adaptation

Based on the trilogy of graphic novels by Greg Farshtey, I present the stop-motion adaptation of that story. With this stop-motion trilogy, the canon story of the Dark Island is now more accessible than ever! No more will you have to pay $100+ for the used copies online, now it’s easily digestible in three segments, retold for your benefit by Dareth and P.I.X.A.L.

A special thanks to all of the voice actors that helped me out on this project, both official TTV cast and those of you I found here on the MB. The entire thing runs for a little over an hour and a half, so sit back, relax, maybe fix some popcorn, and please enjoy!


You have my attention.
Ill have to watch this later in the week, because I grew up on those graphic novels…

Edit: clearly I was thinking of something completely different

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