[quote=“CupHead5998, post:454, topic:768, full:true”]
my dreams are so much better than reality
[/quote]Gotta disagree with ya there. I much prefer the boxes.
two or three times.
Prototype Takadox’s head looks scarier than the released one (also colours on the melded feet are reversed)
What I wouldn’t do for that style of Squid Launcher…
Piraka prototypes > (scarier) > released piraka
What do you mean the head looks scarier, I don’t see- oh… OHH…
Mommy help me…
In nine years I’ve never seen Takadox that way.
it’s been
9 yrs?
why time why
It may look cooler, sure, but it’s still a squid launcher so it won’t ever work.
I’ve worked squid launchers before.
That doesn’t change the fact that they’re the most unruly and unreliable ranged weapons in all of Bionicle.
What about Cordak blasters?
Anyway we’re getting off-topic.
I managed to find this picture:
I found it here: http://z14.invisionfree.com/Relm_of_Megas/ar/t181.htm
I have so many questions
“These fish tanks are too small.”
“Well at least you look normal, Look at my claw!”
“Would you two shut up!?”
They are ruining thoses perfectly good pieces, especially Elehk’s.
once again
these are the guys that built the beasts
Ruining how? Last time I checked water doesn’t damage pieces
I’m also curious on where the photos wer taken. Was it at a con or something?
It can loosen joints. I put a Berix in water one time and I can barely put his arms on now, and they’re not even cracked.
@Toa_Jakami Interesting
@Asriel Turns out the incorrectl building runs deep
Edited for Double Post - Waj
I wonder if these people are rushed to build the sets quickly or they’re just that incompetent.