These deffinently need work, there gapy and mishmashed here and there. SolarSpeed is probably my least favorite. His shoulders are too swooshed together and the spoilers stick out too far. I would recommend maybe putting the spoilers on a single stud so they can rotate along the front of the leg. Maybe putting a cheese slope on the tips to make feet.
I like ChaseDown especially the wings and wheels on his back but the car mode just ends up a bit too gapy.SunSkipper is looks really nice in robot mode, other then the right arm.His vehicle mode is fine but not amazing it would be interesting if you gave it a cage as a roof similar to a jeep, you could try and have it become lower arms too. RoadCruiser is probably my favorite. He looks really blocky and nice, though the vehicle mode could use some work.
BTW are some these guys based off of BWTMT’s Bumblebee/wheelie build?