
I dont think it will, especially concidering that he vanished off of youtube and hasent posted in since winter 2015 xD

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he was the bloke :ok_hand:

ā€œactiveā€ might mean that he was logged in, but uploaded nothing. Just my guess.


Yeah, pretty sure that thatā€™s what it means.

Heā€™s been super busy with school and such, so we may or may not ever see a revival. That said, heā€™s studying film production. :stuck_out_tongue:


His reviews werenā€™t always all that great, but they were entertaining nonetheless and were the first set reviews I ever watched, so there is a nostalgia factor. He seems like a decent guy, and he seemed to be pretty passionate about film which is awesome, hope heā€™s doing alright with whatever heā€™s doing right now.

So I decided to browse my subscription box and stumbled across thisā€¦

ā€œBut not as you might expectā€¦ā€. Well now, this can be taken any way. Maybe heā€™s going to bring back the reviews with some interesting twist? Another short film? Whatever the case itā€™s neat to see him active again.


Nice! Iā€™ve been talking with him, and my guess is that itā€™ll be something completely unrelated to Bionicle, but serious as far as short films are concerned - actually, I saw a trailer for one of his latest projects where you can briefly catch a visual cue that references the Toa Mata. Heā€™s been working on a few dramatic live action works that are pretty spectacular, soā€¦?

So, donā€™t make the comparison then.

Unless he evolved his reviewing and presentation methods, I say skip him for far better youtubers.

Well, we have no idea, because his ā€œreturnā€ hasnā€™t begun. I say that we skip what youā€™ve suggested for now. :stuck_out_tongue:

My dude, thatā€™s a two year old post. More likely than not, I donā€™t actually agree with what it says nowadays.

As for the return?
If weā€™re basing it off of his previous reviews, Iā€™m not expecting anything great. Theyā€™ve always been filled to the brim with misinformation and using the carpet as a background leads to a rather hideous-looking review. A change in style would be pretty darn great, so if he returned with such, I would be surprised in a positive way.

Iā€™m not too sure if Iā€™ll watch his new stuff if itā€™s not related to LEGO though. Itā€™s the reason I first found his channel and a change in purpose would honestly kill my interest.


[quote=ā€œPlural, post:52, topic:12410ā€]
As for the return?
If weā€™re basing it off of his previous reviews, Iā€™m not expecting anything great. Theyā€™ve always been filled to the brim with misinformation and using the carpet as a background leads to a rather hideous-looking review. A change in style would be pretty darn great, so if he returned with such, I would be surprised in a positive way.

Iā€™m not too sure if Iā€™ll watch his new stuff if itā€™s not related to LEGO though. Itā€™s the reason I first found his channel and a change in purpose would honestly kill my interest.[/quote]

Ah, my dude, I guess that Iā€™m not as quick to change my opinions as you are, then. Apologies for assuming.

By that logic, though, we have no reason to expect that his ā€œreturnā€ will have any similarity to his previous videos of two and a half years ago; although, the ones that you made reference to are even older.

Give the guy a chance - he started when he was in middle school, and heā€™s a college senior now. In fact, at his peak, he almost more subscribers than TTV does now, since he was so incredibly good at interacting with his fans; I think that they passed him less than a year ago.

EDIT: Heā€™s back.

Seeing how I was fourteen when I wrote that and opinions ā– ā– ā– ā– ā–  over time, I think itā€™s alright that my views on a YouTube channel changed over two years. :stuck_out_tongue:

I, uh, I have no idea what youā€™re talking about. The videos Iā€™m referring to include his most recent LEGO content, more specifically the Master reviews which, similar to his older content, is filled with misinformation and the cruddy carpet background. As for the whole ā€œthat logicā€ thing youā€™re talking about, Iā€™m not too sure on what youā€™re referring to. I only mentioned how a change to his review style would be great and how I would be disinterested in non-LEGO content, nothing that would indicate that I knew what he was going to do.

I donā€™t see why the time in which he had been on the site and his previous subscriber count really correlates to why someone should give his channel another chance, especially considering the gaps in time where he was inactive or posting content that was not exactly sought after by his fans.

Eh, Iā€™m probably not going to stick around. Movie-based content is not exactly my thing because itā€™s such an expansive topic. Iā€™m glad he can make content heā€™ll enjoy though. If he loves movie making, I see no issue with him creating material relating to it. Itā€™s just not for me.

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I mean, I would agree if you, yā€™know, havenā€™t changed your mind.

I made a small mistake, and Iā€™ll admit that.[quote=ā€œPlural, post:54, topic:12410ā€]
donā€™t see why the time in which he had been on the site and his previous subscriber count really correlates to why someone should give his channel another chance, especially considering the gaps in time where he was inactive or posting content that was not exactly sought after by his fans.

Uh, it definitely is a reason for why you should give him a chance - heā€™s really good at a few things, even if he isnā€™t great at everything.[quote=ā€œPlural, post:54, topic:12410ā€]
Eh, Iā€™m probably not going to stick around. Movie-based content is not exactly my thing because itā€™s such an expansive topic. Iā€™m glad he can make content heā€™ll enjoy though. If he loves movie making, I see no issue with him creating material relating to it. Itā€™s just not for me.

I respect that. :slight_smile:

He calls his channel ā€œMovieGrumpsā€ā€¦Might think he has anything to do with Game Grumps, but no.

Sorry, what are you saying?

Pretty clear honestly, the dude changed his name.

Uh, itā€™s not very clear with your syntax and grammar, so donā€™t try to claim that it is. Obviously you were saying something about the name connection; I just donā€™t get. Of course he changed his name; it isnā€™t h=tough to understand that.

Legomation studios was my first and among my favorite BioTubers back in the day. I would watch his reviews on the bionicle and hero factory sets and his only.

Though itā€™s kinda sad to see that his channel kinda died when he moved away from Bionicle and became a movie review channel.

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