We all know about the legendary toa of air who went down into the pit after karzahni to seek justice for his home and now this is my interpretation
pardon the lack of a faxon on my version this mask is a temporary one as i never had Lesovikk before.
Anyway this version of Lesovikk is more of a re-imaging then a full on revamp as i find the character of Lesovikk one of the most interesting so i asked myself what he would do after the final battle 9000 years later and this is it.
Lesovikk is a full on member of the order of mata nui who within my story of things after coming out of the shadows became essentially a order that would help organised toa teams within the free agori and matoran state of spherus-nui. Lesovikk was a well hardened veteran toa who despite his own preferences to now work alone agreed to become the leader of a new toa team in which his most recent addition would be Toa sora who in his opinion is abit cross wired for a toa with two elements
Lesovikk decided to keep his old blade as a reminder not to lose another team as well as two talon daggers for more efficient use in combat
As a team leader Lesovikk is strict but always listen to his fellow toa even if he sometimes fears he would lose another team
Feel free to comment any thoughts or opinions about the build below